GAMBIT WILSON COEFFICIENT TUTORIAL ================================== Start a GAMBIT Docker container named 'gc' ------------------------------------------ docker run -it --rm --name gc gambitbsm/gambit-tutorial Copy some files over to the container ------------------------------------- docker cp WC_lite.yaml gc:/work/gambit/ docker cp WC_lite.pip gc:/work/gambit/ Try the GAMBIT diagnostics system --------------------------------- ./gambit models ./gambit scanners ./gambit diver ./gambit backends ./gambit SuperIso Take a look at the input YAML file ---------------------------------- less WC_lite.yaml Run scan and check output ------------------------- Single thread: ./gambit -f WC_lite.yaml ...Or multiple threads: (By adding the restart flag -r we allow GAMBIT to overwrite existing output.) mpirun -np 2 ./gambit -rf WC_lite.yaml Try aborting and resuming: 1. press ctrl-c and wait... 2. resume the scan by calling GAMBIT *without* the restart flag -r: mpirun -np 2 ./gambit -f WC_lite.yaml Check the output directories in runs/WC_lite: logs, samples, scanner_plugin cd runs/WC_lite ll logs ll scanner_plugin/Diver ll samples h5ls -r samples/WC.hdf5 h5dump --dataset=WC/LogLike samples/WC.hdf5 Parse and plot results with pippi --------------------------------- (From the main GAMBIT directory) pippi WC_lite.pip Check the directories created by pippi: parse, scripts, plots ll runs/WC_lite/ Take a look at the best-fit point: less runs/WC_lite/parse/WC.best_all Copy the plots out from the Docker container: (From outside the Docker container) docker cp gc:/work/gambit/runs/WC_lite/plots . evince plots/WC_7_like1D.pdf evince plots/WC_10_like1D.pdf evince plots/WC_7_10_like2D.pdf Suggestions for other things to try =================================== - Run a MultiNest scan. (Plotting the results will require some changes to WC_lite.pip) - Use the GAMBIT diagnostics system to figure out which function calculates the b2sll log-likelihood. (Commented out in WC_lite.yaml) Take a look at this function in FlavBit/src/FlavBit.cpp (A fairly clean illustration of a GAMBIT module function.) - Take a look at some of the YAML files in the yaml_files/ directory, e.g. yaml_files/VectorSingletDM_Z2.yaml. Try changing the printer to 'cout' (comment out the options for the hdf5 printer) and let GAMBIT run a few points for this scan.