The dumps for BNL were provided by Hiro. DDMops jira opened: . Consistency checks start running last week, found 1M dark files on the DATADISK and 120k files on the SCRATCHDISK. After deletions, looks like still significant leftover, which could be a reporting issue or not reported usage.

Dark Data situation (numbers with "-" mean storage reports less than size in rucio):

Site                  DATADISK                  SCRATCHDISK          LOCALGROUPDISK

BNL                 390                              110                              16

AGLT2             9                                  1                                  1

MWT2             9                                  8                                  2                                 

NET2               12                                5                                  0

OU_OSCER    -185                             -2                                 0

SWT2              3                                  1                                  0         

WT2                -81                               -5                                 1

IT monitoring team is still working to repopulate the missing data in DDM Accounting dashboard (the SNOW ticket I opened 2 weeks ago INC1705039). Right now the storage values for 8 recent days are still missing.

Hands-on session on the new DDM dashboard, with possibility to give feedback on issues with it we would like to be addressed, Friday. Nov.8 at 15:00 CET.