
You can come to Granada by plane:

The nearest Airport is Federico García Lorca (Granada´s airport) which is about 10 km from Granada. You might need to travel to Madrid or Barcelona from where you have connecting flights to Granada. There are buses to the city center (the price is between 2-3 euros) or you might take a taxi (this is about 20-25 euros).

The buses stop at different places. The stop in Puerta Real is in front of the Hotel Barceló Carmen.

Malaga's airport is an International airport that is about 120 km away with connections to many cities in Europe. The transfer from Málaga to Granada has to be done by bus from the airport to the bus station in Granada. You might also rent a car, but remember that the hotel in Granada is at the city center and you might need to arrange some parking place. There are no train connections from Málaga to Granada.