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2–7 Jun 2019
Simon Fraser University
America/Vancouver timezone
Welcome to the 2019 CAP Congress Program website! / Bienvenue au siteweb du programme du Congrès de l'ACP 2019 !

NSERC's Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Canada and Other EDI Initiatives

3 Jun 2019, 11:45
SCC 9051 (Simon Fraser University)

SCC 9051

Simon Fraser University


Anne Webb (NSERC)


NSERC's Senior Policy Advisor on EDI will provide an overview of the agency's EDI-related initiatives, with a specific focus on the made-in-Canada version of the UK Athena SWAN program being launched to encourage and recognize commitments made by post-secondary institutions towards advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in the research community. This program is broader in scope than what has been done so far in other countries. All post-secondary institutions will be invited to participate (universities, colleges, CÉGEPs, polytechnics), the program will encompass all academic disciplines, and it is inclusive of all underrepresented and disadvantaged groups (including, but not limited to women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minority/racialized groups and members of LGBT2Q+ communities). Following a short presentation the speaker will welcome questions from the audience.

Primary author

Anne Webb (NSERC)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.