AWAKE recognition. - I sent out the questions and asked for feedback, but haven’t received answers. As the collaboration is small, it is potentially hard to get a common view, so I am not too sure how valuable it will be. - So I will concentrate on what AWAKE do; this can be taken as input to how recognition can be done. - The issue of recognition is otherwise discussed in the collaboration, in particular the author list was discussed extensively. - For physics papers, the author list has one or two lead analysers first, followed by the rest of collaboration alphabetically. This is to try and promote early-career physicists who generally appear in the first or second places. - For conference proceedings, particularly if they are peer-reviewed in a journal, the early-career scientist will often write a technical paper which serves as good back-up to a collaboration physics paper. The author list is then just a few people with the junior physicist first. This is a good way of documenting and releasing “technical notes” and having publications of more value rather than just re-using public plots and writing rather anodyne contributions. - In general, we encourage technical papers with reduced author lists and a junior physicist as the first author. - We have a publications and speakers committee which consists of 3 people, one of whom is an early-career physicist (post-doc). - The paper reviewing is more lightweight than large collaborations and more freedom is given to the lead authors. - Convenorship is not so relevant as the collaboration is small.