quick notes from the phone call today:
- Please send your e-mail addresses to Martin & Germán
- Area review:
- Rename “NVM” as “Storage-class memory”
- Cloud storage to be used only as cost benchmark so not an area of its own
- For the time being, we concentrate on HW aspects and do not include SW solutions (distributed fs, HSM solutions etc), we may broaden the scope in the future
- Area contributors (feel free to join!):
- HDD: Vladimir, Loic
- SDD: Vladimir
- Storage-class memory: Martin
- Disk storage infrastructure: Shkelzen, Vladimir
- Tape: Kai, Martin, Vladimir (/somebody else from CNAF), Germán
- Others (Optical etc): <nobody so far>
- We will (at least initially) use Google docs for our document
- NDA/non public information: not to be included
- Timelines:
- Next call: January 14th, 16:00