User Interface I: Hands-on We will use the simple example B1 available under the '/examples/basic/' directory of the Geant4 code. The goal of the hands-on is to see some of the commands, command submission modes that are discussed during the lecture in a simple example. ================================================================================ TaskC0: Make a copy of the Geant4 /examples/basic/B1 example and build it: > cd $G4WORKDIR > mkdir TaskC > cd TaskC > cp -r $G4EXAMPLES/basic/B1 . Then we will build the application, by creating the build directory inside the copied B1 example directory: > mkdir B1/build > cd B1/build > cmake ../ -DGeant4_DIR=$G4COMP > make After this we have the executable 'exampleB1' in our (current) '$G4WORKDIR/TaskC/B1/build' directory. ================================================================================ TaskC1: Open the main method ('$G4WORKDIR/TaskC/B1/') of the B1 application and investigate the 3 different ways of UI command submission: - interactive - batch - hard-coded Then execute the application in interactive mode: > $G4WORKDIR/TaskC/B1/build/exampleB1 Deactivate the (Qt) Graphical User Interface and set the C-shell (tcsh) like character terminal by: 1. change (line #55): ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv); to ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv, "tcsh"); 2. and comment the following lines (line # 84, 87, 102 and 112): G4VisManager* visManager = new G4VisExecutive; visManager->Initialize(); UImanager->ApplyCommand("/control/execute init_vis.mac"); delete visManager; Then go to the 'build' directory, rebuild the application and execute again in interactive mode: > cd $G4WORKDIR/TaskC/B1/build/ > make > ./exampleB1 You should see a simple, C-shell like character terminal and you B1 application in its Geant4 'PreInit' state waiting for your commands. ================================================================================ TaskC2: Continue TaskC1 by executing the simulation application using the default settings. First one needs to initialize the application by: PreInit>/run/initialize that brings the application into the Geant4 'Idle' state waiting for further commands. If default values will be used for all parameters, one can execute the simulation application by: Idle>/run/beamOn 10 Investigate the output of the simulation (primary particle type, energy, etc.) ================================================================================ TaskC3: Continue TaskC2 by executing the simulation now using some of the available commands of the Geant4 Particle Gun (that is used go generate primary particles) in this application: set electrons(e-) as primary particles with 1.0 MeV kinetic energy: Idle>/gun/particle e- Idle>/gun/energy 1.0 MeV Idle>/run/beamOn 10 Change the tarcking verbose value to 1 and see what happens: Idle>/tracking/verbose 1 Idle>/run/beamOn 10 ================================================================================ TaskC4: Exit the application and execute now the application in batch mode using the 'run1.mac' macro file. Way 1.: Idle>/exit > ./exampleB1 run1.mac Way 2.: > ./exampleB1 PreInit>/control/execute run1.mac Edit the 'run1.mac' to set primary particle type to electron (e-) and kinetic energy to 1.0 MeV. Run the application.