Visualization I: Hands-on We will keep using the example from the previous, 'User Interface I' lecture under 'G4WORKDIR/TaskC'. ================================================================================ ________________________________________________________________________________ A.: We will keep using the example B1 application in INTERACTIVE mode but we will change the previously set C-shell("tcsh") character terminal interface to the Qt Graphical User Interface (GUI). Note, that we will use the application WITHOUT any VISUALISATION at this point (see TaskC1 at the User Interface I Hands-On). Set the "Qt" Graphical User Interface as requested session, rebuild the application and run in interactive mode. - see the differences compared to the C-shell like terminal - initilaize and execute the application with default settings Solution: 1. change (line #55 in ''): ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv, "tcsh"); to ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv, "Qt"); 2. rebuild the application and run in interactive mode: > cd $G4WORKDIR/TaskC/B1/build > make > ./exampleB1 3. run the simulation with default settings with 10 events (commands in the session window): > /run/initialize > /run/beamOn 4. execute the 'run1.mac' file: > /control/execute run1.mac ________________________________________________________________________________ B.: Activate the visualization, without executing the "init_vis.mac" macro file, build the application and execute in interactive mode (notice the 'vis' command directory in the 'Help' menu !!!). > ./exampleB1 Initialize the application and open the OpenGL visualization driver and draw the geometry. Make the 'World' invisible, the 'Evelope' colour to blue with some transparency. View the object with their surface (set the viewer style to surface view) and add coordinate axes (use the search box of the helper to find out how to add axes). Solution(commands in the session window): > /run/initialize > /vis/open OGL > /vis/drawVolume ### > /vis/geometry/list > /vis/geometry/set/visibility World 0 false > /vis/geometry/set/colour Envelope 0 0 0 255 0.3 > /vis/viewer/set/style surface > /vis/scene/add/axes Add trajectories (smooth type) to your visualization and run the application with 100 events. Then change the settings to see all trajectories of the run ( up to # 1000) and re-run. Solution(commands in the session window): > /vis/scene/add/trajectories smooth > /run/beamOn 100 > /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 1000 > /run/beamOn 100 ________________________________________________________________________________ C.: Exit the application and re-run in interactive mode. Initialize the application then execute the "vis.mac" file.