MQYYM mechanical instrumentation + coil measurements

    • 1
      update coil measurements
      Speakers: Damien Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)), Salvador Ferradas Troitino (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno), Simon Perraud


      • The press has been centered and the pressure measured on the outer left measuring bar and outer right measuring bar is now equal
      • A shimming of 0.07 mm on parts 10B and 14B + 0.025 mm midplane have been done with kapton sheets. This thickness put all the parts 9A,  10B, 13A and 14B in the same plane and allow us to apply the same pressure on the inner bars and the outer bars.
      • The station on the measuring bars I_C_R_1 and O_C_L_5 have always a difference of ~4kN
      • Some signals on gages have been lost however as the measurents will be integrated on the 5 bars only 3 stations out of 5 seem necessary to perform the measurements.

      Action item: 

      • Perform one test with fuji paper to investigate the difference of 4kN on the signal read from the gages placed on the station of the measuring bars (Salva)
      • Switch the part 9A with part 13A and 10B with 14B to see if the problem is geometric (Salva)
      • Replace some instrumentation wires (Sohrab)
      • Change the computation sign of ICL3 and ICL4 (Sohrab)


    • 2
      coil axial preload instrumentation
      Speaker: Damien Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))


      • Problem of symetry on the bullets (it will be mainly the flewion that will be measure)
      • If a mepla is used it is necessary to have two gages and anotehr mepla symetricaly
      • If only one bullets out of three is instrumented, only one third of the loading will be read. The error on the measurements could be huge.

      Action item:

      • Send the MCBX design for the bullets instrumentation (Michael)
      • Organise a new meeting in january 2019 to discuss this points with Michael.