July 29, 2019 to August 2, 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Search for di-Higgs production in the $HH\to b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ decay channel with the ATLAS detector

Jul 31, 2019, 4:00 PM
Shillman 315 (Northeastern University)

Shillman 315

Northeastern University

Oral Presentation Higgs & Electroweak Physics Higgs & Electroweak Physics


Alex Zeng Wang (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))


We present a search for di-Higgs production in the $HH\to b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ decay channel. The measurement uses 139fb$^{−1}$ of $pp$ collisions recorded by the ATLAS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Selected events are separated into multiple regions, targeting both the SM signal and BSM signals with modified Higgs self-couplings. The latest results will be presented.

Primary author

Alex Zeng Wang (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))

Presentation materials