18–22 Mar 2019
MPI for Nuclear Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Astropy Project

18 Mar 2019, 16:30
MPI for Nuclear Physics

MPI for Nuclear Physics

Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg
Talk Monday


Thomas Robitaille (Aperio Software Ltd.)


The Astropy Project is a community effort to develop a single core package for Astronomy in Python and foster interoperability between Python astronomy packages. In this talk I will give an introduction to the project, including an overview of progress so far, and I will outline our current plans for the future. I will also describe the Astropy coordinated and affiliated package ecosystem, which is formed by Python packages that are not part of the core package but integrate with Astropy, and are maintained by the Astropy team and the wider community.

Primary author

Thomas Robitaille (Aperio Software Ltd.)

Presentation materials