13–16 Aug 2019
Kane Hall 225
US/Pacific timezone

Searching DDM through gamma radiation

14 Aug 2019, 11:50
Walker-Ames (Kane Hall 225)


Kane Hall 225

Planery Indirect Search


Prof. O. Felix-Beltran (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla)


We are interested in the purpose of a dipolar fermionic particle as a viable candidate of Dark Matter (DDM). Then, we study the annihilation of dark matter, considering it as a neutral particle with magnetic ($M$) and electric ($D$) dipolar moments not vanishing. Total cross section $\sigma(\chi \chi \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$) is computed by starting from a general form of coupling $\chi \chi \gamma$ in the framework of beyond to Standard Model (BSM). We found that for small masses like $m_\chi \leq 10\,\textrm{GeV}$, $D \sim 10^{-16}\, \textrm{e cm}$ is required to satisfy the current residual density, while for the greater sensitivity range of HAWC, $10\, \textrm{TeV} < E_\gamma < 20\, \textrm{TeV}$, $D \sim 10^{-18}\, \textrm{e cm}$.

Primary authors

Prof. A. Avilez (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla) Prof. E. Barradas-Guevara (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla) Prof. C. Arellano Celiz (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla) Prof. O. Felix-Beltran (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla)

Presentation materials