# # Geant4 macro for simplified calorimeter modelling # /control/verbose 1 #/run/numberOfThreads 4 /run/verbose 1 /tracking/verbose 0 # # Set up the ATLASbar simplf. calorimeter: 50 Layers of 2.3 mm Lead and 5.7 mm liquid-Argon /testem/det/setSizeYZ 40 cm /testem/det/setNbOfLayers 50 /testem/det/setNbOfAbsor 2 /testem/det/setAbsor 1 G4_Pb 2.3 mm /testem/det/setAbsor 2 G4_lAr 5.7 mm # # # Add PAI model for e- ionisation in the created "Our-Region" detector region ## /process/em/AddPAIRegion e- Our-Region pai # # Set the EM constructor of the physics list: # /testem/phys/addPhysics emstandard_opt0 # # To use the "local" i.e. PhysListEmStandard EM constructor ## /testem/phys/addPhysics local # # Activate Auger electron emission in de-excitation ## /process/em/auger true # # Run initialization # /run/initialize # # Set the step-function for energy loss processes: # => dRoverRange = 0.15 # => finalRange = 0.1 mm ## /process/eLoss/StepFunction 0.15 0.1 mm # # Set the particle gun: 10 GeV e- # /gun/particle e- /gun/energy 10 GeV # # Set production cuts: 0.7 mm # /run/setCut 0.7 mm # # Reinit run and execute the simulation: with 100 primaries # /run/initialize /tracking/verbose 0 /run/beamOn 1 # # Print process list # /process/list