HPTPC analysis and software meeting


HPTPC meeting 24/01/19


Attendees: Deisting, Brailsford, Atkin, Richie-Yates, Dunne, Nonnenmacher, Hamacher-Baumann ,Jones, Valder, Haigh, Kaboth


Working group reports


 - Plan to add spark cut to cfg file

 - Bias subtraction written (as last week)

 - Next steps are to write event processor to extract bias frames


 - Test event processor written and working in principle

 - Already able to check amplitudes and baselines  

 - Risetime need debugging

 - Gaussian smoothing implemented but needs debugging

 - Working on porting XMLs to mySQL.  This information will then be stored in the waveforms


 - MySQL hooked up with RAPtorr now

 - Ed has granted access to the DBs from linapp3

 - Now able to proceed with interrogating the spill DB to make spill events


HPTPC instrument paper

 - Descriptions of the detector have progressed

 - Data analysis sections need filling in but rely on results yet to be made

 - February deadline for completing non-results sections + skeleton of results

 - Missing sections to be discussed offline


Beam flux paper

 - Developing structure for S4 section

 - S1-S3 development work being chased up

Talk by Seb on proton/pion ratios in S4 (related to beam flux paper)

 - S1-S4 time distribution has double peak structure for protons

 - A. Korzenev’s plot for the utof does not have this structure and the proton/pion peaks separate for different moderator blocks

 - Plan to reproduce Korzenev’s plot and get in contact with him

 - proton/mip peak seen in the horizontal direction across S4.  Need to verify which off-axis position this corresponds to


Next RAPtorr workshop

 - Due to teaching constraints, term-time workshops are constrained to London

 - Too many collaborator constraints in Feb so early March looking most likely

 - Doodle poll to fill out.  Please fill it out!

 - Budget constraints for many people

 - Patrick will ask Morgan about budgets


New meeting time

 - Will be 12:00 -> 13:00 on Fridays as a trial


BTTB7 workshop debrief

 - Talk well received

 - Outlined FNAL test beam facility with energies in the range relevant for x-sec measurements

 - Attendees impressed with the speed at which the HPTPC was setup, commissioned and shipped

 - Interested parties in the HPTPC DAQ

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.