Chris presented the validation of the smearing parameterisations (provided on git) on Zee boson distributions: mass, pT, recoil response and resolution. The comparison is done between NLO Madgraph+Pythia8 after a tuning of Pythia (primordial kT hard to 2.9 GeV). The pT distribution looks in a perfect agreement. Some further tuning of the parameterisation parameters is needed to match the recoil/electron energy resolution in data. To Do: add the plots of deltaPhi, check the b,c swapping in the recoil response formula. 

Nansi presented the comparison between the parameterisation provided by Chris and the MC/data histograms. An oversmearing is observed in the mT distribution. The code looks fine (no lepton hole is considered), To Do: check on Z sample.   

It was also discussed the publication strategy and agreed to have feedback from CDF in the next meeting.