Aug 26 – 31, 2019
Nicosia, Cyprus
Europe/Rome timezone

Low $x$ physics and saturation in terms of TMD distributions

Aug 26, 2019, 11:40 AM
Nicosia, Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus

The Landmark Hotel (ex-Hilton)


Renaud Boussarie (Brookhaven National Lab)


One of the main difficulties to understand the continuity between low x physics and more standard QCD factorization frameworks which apply for more moderate energies is the very nature of the parton distributions involved. I will argue that low x physics can be understood as the eikonal limit of an infinite twist TMD distribution framework, and discuss the consequences of this observation for saturation and for gluon polarizations at small x.


Tolga Altinoluk (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Piotr Kotko (Penn State University) Renaud Boussarie (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation materials