Network sub-wg phoneconf

Edoardo Martelli (CERN), Rolf Seuster (University of Victoria (CA))

Agenda for today:
- working web site (CERN wiki ? Google Docs ?)
- structure the work (collects pointers to sources , select relevant information)
- start thinking about the content for the presentation in March (HEPiX in San Diego)

Edoardo Martelli
Laurent Duflot (coordinating LHC in France)
Rolf Seuster (technical manager of HEPNET Canada)
Harvey Newman

Introduction of participants

web site:
CERN twiki preferred can contain links to e.g. Google Docs.

what is the 'mission' ?
Helge gave us freedom
follow technology trends
 -> give possible projections, include others
 -> try to estimate implications ('educated guess')

what about 'overlap' with other groups, storage

Worry: Campuses: 100G and then what ?

Slow down of technology

PTC pacific telecom conference for prices ? telegeography (website)
Cicso paper predicting traffic

commercial / research network growth quite different

research network, new contendors (SKA, LSST, etc)
 often wishful thinking

current status of traffic, hardware, router, switches

deep packet inspection at 100G affordable (might become widespread)
 monitoring, steering traffic via SDN

NICs, slow to reach 400Gpbs (Mellanox 200G)

Silicon Photonics (will it and when does it take off)

white boxes (operating system)

NAT cannot be done by TOR switches

security / firewalls
 digital certificates

HSF community paper
 have a look what they wrote about network

Talk at H.O.W. / HEPiX
 Helge/Bernd still in charge of this group
  (do they have plenary meetings every once in a while)

Action items
 Edoardo: setup wiki
Next call:
 propose Thursday 17(CET) 16(GMT) 14th (21st) of Feb.


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