Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Scientific Policy Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Twelfth Meeting

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F) (CERN)

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


Show room on map
    • 2.00 p.m. Normal Session
      • 1
        Adoption of the Agenda
      • 2
        Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Three-hundred-and-eleventh Meeting
      • 3
        Matters Arising
      • 4
        Briefing by the President of Council
      • 5
        Report by the Director-General
      • 6
        Status Report on the Accelerator Complex - LS2 activities (J. M. Jimenez - Oral)
      • 7
        Status Report on the Experiments and Computing (E. Elsen - Oral)
      • 16:15
        4.15 p.m. COFFEE
      • 8
        Report on Physics beyond colliders (C. Vallée - Oral)
      • 9
        Annual Progress Report for 2018
      • 10
        Information on the Medium-Term Plan for the Period 2020-2024
    • 5.45 p.m. Restricted Session
      • 11
        SPC Membership Discussion on the Replacement of three members
    • 19:00
      7.00 p.m. DINNER (Glass-Box – Restaurant No.1)
  • Tuesday 12 March
    • 9.00 a.m. Closed Session
      • 12
        Search Committee for the next Director-General Election of four SPC members
      • 13
        Closed Session Matters
    • 09.45 a.m. Restricted Session
      • 14
        Close-out Report on the Closed Session
      • 10:30
        10.30 a.m. COFFEE
    • 11:00 a.m. Normal Session
      • 15
        Close-out Report on the Closed and Restricted Sessions
      • 16
        Status of the European Strategy Update (H. Abramowicz – Oral)
        • a) Update of the Composition of the European Strategy Group
      • 17
        Report on SP and DP ProtoDUNE detectors (M. Nessi - Oral)
      • 18
        Follow-up on the TH hiring process (J. Purvis - Oral)
      • 19
        Summary of Conclusions
      • 20
        Agenda for the Next Meeting
      • 21
      • 12:30
        12.30 p.m. LUNCH (Glass-Box - Restaurant No.1)