Power, Grounding and Shielding
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
Power, Grounding and Shielding
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
Power, Grounding and Shielding
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
We present the electrical and radiation characterisation of the production-ready prototype of the bPOL12V DCDC converter, a stacked assembly of two ASICs inside a QFN32 package. The use of a reference voltage generator chip in 130nm CMOS on top of the ASIC integrating the control system and power train enables improved radiation tolerance and the trimming of the output voltage during the...
Radiation- and magnetic field tolerant DCDC converters that step down the voltage from a 2.5V bus are needed for the High-Luminosity detectors. This work presents the developed prototypes, based on ASICs designed in a 130nm CMOS technology. A buck converter (bPOL2V5) is close to production readiness, showing an 89% peak efficiency and tolerance to more than 250Mrad of Total Ionizing Dose and...
The Inner Tracker silicon strip detector (ITk Strips) a part of the ATLAS upgrade for the HL-LHC. It employs a parallel powering scheme for the bias high voltage and the low voltage power. To reduce the amount of services, on-module DCDC conversion and high voltage switching is required. These features are implemented on the Powerboard using a step-down buck converter (bPOL12V) to drop the low...
As for the High Luminosity LHC the instantaneous luminosity will be increased by a factor 3, an efficient trigger selection will be crucial. To reduce signal latency, the proximity of the readout electronics to the detector becomes very important. A custom designed 63U rack has been chosen as a house for the ATCA based systems allowing installing 50% more shelves in the detector proximity. The...
Serial powering is the baseline option for the pixel detectors in both the ATLAS and the CMS experiment targeting the phase II HL-LHC upgrade. The Shunt-LDO regulator is integrated in the front-end chips to generate the required supply voltages. A new compensation scheme has been developed to operate stable with large Low-ESR load capacitances. A two-stage bandgap voltage reference circuit has...
The LHC machine will be upgraded to increase its peak luminosity and possibly reach an integrated luminosity of $3000-4500\;$fb$^{-1}$. The CMS experiment is called for an upgrade to keep up with the new challenges such as unprecedented radiation environment, requiring high resilience, and increased number of events per bunch crossing, requiring higher detector granularity. Consequently, both...