Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Seminarium Fizyki Wielkich Energii

Room: B2.38 (Wydział Fizyki UW)

Room: B2.38

Wydział Fizyki UW

Pasteura 5
Aleksander Filip Żarnecki (University of Warsaw), Jan Królikowski (IFD UW), Katarzyna Grzelak (IFD UW)
    • 10:15 11:30
      Status of the CLIC project 1h 15m

      An overview of the CLIC project will be presented, covering accelerator and detector design, as well as the physics prospects.

      Presentation will focus on results presented at the CLIC workshop in January 2019 and prepared as an input to the European Strategy Update process.

      Speaker: Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw)