# Minutes

Vydio: Denis, Elisabetta, Geoff, Heidi
Room: Xavi, Ignacio

## Round Table

### Geoff

- Trying to get Fermilab SysAdmin team involved with DUNE (Barney King)
Q (Heidi): Is this a big project, do you know who is funding them?
A: Don't know yet
H: We are meeting with Bonnie Friday next week, if you have a list 
requests before then of what you need we can start moving things for that.

Q(X): Do you have news about the WIFI issues?
A: No

Action (Ignacio): Check with Marc Collignon for updates

### Elisabetta

* DBOD LandDB Ticket: Action on IT-DB
* Q(X): Do you have the Slurm nodes already?
 D: Yes, working in configuration tuning

### Heidi

More than 50% of computing time is analysis and a bit chunk are CERN people
running the jobs still in the Fermilab infra, which brings some issues with
authentication and similar issues. (Difficulted with getting Fermilab accounts
for non-nationals).
Trying to move data samples to CERN to the analysis can operate on local data.

Total Reconstructed data is close to 2PB. Tuples are still being generated at the moment.
The RECO data is not at CERN. We are working with Rucio but it doesn't work that
well with incremental transfers. How do we make sure that the Rucio catalog gets updated
as we get more samples?

### Xavi.

* Wigner to Meyrin migration of Computer resources might cause punctual capacity glitches, no disruptions expected neither in storage (thanks to double replica) nor compute.

* We could take profit of JLAB HOW 2019 workshop to have a Meeting DUNE - ProtoDUNE .

* Do you have activity in the detector this days (Cosmics?). Probably tests
but they are writing around 200Tb per month approx.
G: Next week Photon detector studies, and also testing Purity. They should
have something to disable writing to tape when recording data during this tests.

Remark: you are at 82% use at the EOS space (1.7PB)

* During the next months the analysis should kick off, which will bring activity to
the whole infra

## Next Meeting

Candiate date: 10-04-2019