attached is what I found relevant and wasn't on the slides. I can also summarize the slides, but we have them so I don't see a need... Cheers, Axel. Rene: * experiments will not take next production release unless it's a no-risk release. * need to think 3-5 years ahead, also to give motivate for resources * weigh new technology vs. risks * next production release will be Rene's last, though Rene might of course stay longer. Fons: * discussion about JavaScript vs. native client/server GUI; needs separate brainstorming and discussion session to come up with a prototype Philippe: * times stated are relative times in semi-arbitrary scale Lorenzo: * VC package (vector with intrinsics) only supported on very limited number of compilers / platforms Wouter: * TTreeFormula interface possible Joerg: * multiclass + Bayesian NN will arrive by next week * help for test suite integration into roottest * need motivation to sync with trunk as often as possible Gerri: no comments Axel: * C++ precompiled header ready in June? Does progress depend on it? * library size is crucial, don't define limit before we know what it is Andrei: * isn't GDML->CAD sufficient? Some Russians say it's not. * request (for Matevz) to add time parameter to GL objects * fluka license nightmare for fluka_vmc questions raison d'etre for vmc Matevz: * foresees manpower issue in 1/2 year * transparency already a member of TColor::fAlpha; should be used in TPadGL etc