PoC Accelerator system for the treatment of marine exhaust gases
Other Institutes
Other Institutes
Mercure Budapest Korona
Kecskemeti u. 14
1053 Budapest, Hungary
Objectives for this meeting:
- To inform all the Partners on the status of the PoC project
- To get feed-back on the on-going work and to unlock any potential difficulties/problematic issues
- To explain economic analysis part and to commence this endeavour
- To plan further steps and timing
Expected outcome of this meeting:
- Common understanding and knowledge of all Partners
- Confirmation of planning and clear understanding of risks
- Common understanding on how economic evaluation will be done
- Common understanding of the technical issues
- Green-light to commence mechanical construction works in Riga
Ultimate practical goal: Successful tests in Riga – in June/July 2019
- Tests will be witnessed by many stakeholders. It will be a show for:
- EC, IMO, EMSA, Class Societies, IACS
- CERN and ARIES community
- Maritime business – shipping companies
- Is of crucial importance for the HERTIS project