6 October 2019
Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge
America/New_York timezone

SPES Control System Cyber Security aspects

6 Oct 2019, 13:15
Williamsburg Room (Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge)

Williamsburg Room

Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge

333 Adams Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA


Mr Maurizio Montis (INFN)


In SPES project, EPICS has been chosen as framework to realize and renovate the control system for both the principal linear accelerator and the new lines under construction.
This new architecture is in continuous evolution, both under functionality and security aspects and these aspects are reflected into the organization of control system hardware, software and data, which are organized to guarantee the computer security. In this scenario, a new network was designed in order to manage and control the new ecosystem.
This talk wants to describe and expose the actual status and the experiences related to manage and supervise the SPES Control System Cyber Security

Presentation materials