WLCG AuthZ Call
Proposed agenda:
- Schema document comments https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cNm4nBl9ELhExwLxswpxLLNTuz8pT38-b_DewEyEWug/edit?usp=sharing
Attendees: Mischa, Andrea, Nicolas, Hannah, Mine, Romain
- Andrea has done a first attempt at seeing a real world example in our schema https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gLDiLu410XPqB1egpiJJiRh3sPTG-KsbpN1p9OQb7rI/edit?usp=sharing
- Concern about the security logic of scopes vs path for e.g. copying a file
- Since scope definition doesn't follow unix logic, might lead to complications
- We have been following SciTokens path authorisation logic (see https://scitokens.org/technical_docs/Claims)
- For WLCG typically have a flag that determines whether overwrite is allowed - commonly used
- Our schema doesn't seem to match well with webdav
- We don't have a "metadata" authorisations concept, do we need one?
- Point made that difficult to follow fragmented discussions between lists
- 2kb limit
- We asked on the OIDC R&E WG list about the origin of the apparent issue with tokens above 2kb
- From Roland Hedberg "It’s a real world problem. And I think where it really hits is when the JWT
is part of a URL. Like when you have an id_token_hint in an authorisation request." - Including tokens in HTTP Headers seems to be OK
- public archive http://lists.openid.net/pipermail/openid-specs-rande/Week-of-Mon-20190520/thread.html
- Not much energy from call participants recently
- Self imposed deadline to try to have final draft of schema document for September
- TO-DO list per person perhaps
- Hannah to liaise with Ian Collier to see whether we can have the pre-GDB
- Ask Brian and/or Jim Basney via email r.e. path semantics for storage permissions
- Ask Paul how DCache implements SciTokens in terms of scopes
- Hannah include summary of R&E mailing list r.e. 2kb limit (and link to public archive http://lists.openid.net/pipermail/openid-specs-rande/)
- Andrea to start thread to get feedback
- Andrea to ask Fabrizio about tokens in URLs
- Hannah set up next call (first and second week of July)
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