Voyages Beyond the SM III

from Saturday 29 June 2019 (07:00) to Saturday 6 July 2019 (07:00)
Zadar, Croatia

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
29 Jun 2019
30 Jun 2019
1 Jul 2019
2 Jul 2019
3 Jul 2019
4 Jul 2019
5 Jul 2019
10:00 Unsupervised Machine Learning: theory and techniques - Jesse Thaler (MIT & Harvard University)   ()
10:00 4-tops as probe of light top-philic NP - Ezequiel Alvarez (International Center for Advanced Studies, ICAS)   ()
10:00 Special Discussion Session - Xavier Bertou (CNEA & Auger Laboratory) Diego Redigolo (Tel Aviv University) Javier Tiffenberg (FermiLAB) Jesse Thaler (MIT & Harvard University) Lorenzo Ubaldi (SISSA) Ezequiel Alvarez (ICAS) Nejc Kosnick (Jozef Stefan Institute)   ()
08:00 Dark Photon, the inflated DM - Lorenzo Ubaldi (SISSA)   ()
10:30 Closing Session and Discussion - Lorenzo Ubaldi (SISSA)   ()
18:00 Cosmic rays at AUGER: Protons vs Nuclei - Xavier Bertou   ()
19:00 Voyages to z=17 - Diego Redigolo (Tel Aviv University)   ()
18:00 B-physics and anomalies at Belle 2 - Bostjan Golob (Ljubljana University)   ()
18:00 Skipper CCD for DM detection - Javier Tiffenberg (FermiLAB National LAB)   ()
18:00 Parity features on h: th and tth - Nejc Kosnik (Jozef Stefan Institute)   ()