Visita al CERN Fondazione Golinelli

CERN Visit Points

CERN Visit Points


La vostra giornata al CERN implica visite in caverne sotterranee che impongono alcune regole di SICUREZZA. 

1. Please note that visits to the underground areas are not allowed for:

  • pregnant women, minors under the age of 16, as the underground areas visited are classified as supervised radiation areas
  • persons with reduced mobility (e.g. wheelchair, walking stick, difficulty to walk), as a considerable number of stairs going up and down two floors are present along the path (52 steps in total) as well as a narrow passage.
  • persons carrying cardiac pacemaker and implantable defibrillator bearers, as in localized areas the magnetic flux density may reach 5 mT. Specific recommendations may apply to other implants or medical devices sensitive to magnetic fields (e.g. electronic medicine dispensers, metallic implants). In this case, please check with your doctor.

2. Access to the underground areas is performed using a lift located in a pressurized area, which brings the visitors down to more than 80 meters depth. In case of an evacuation a platform at 20 meters height may have to be taken. Visits are therefore not appropriate for persons suffering from claustrophobia or vertigo.

3. Closed and flat shoes are mandatory for the visit (no flip-flops, no high heels); helmets with chinstraps will be provided to each visitor and must be worn and fastened at all times.

4. As the underground areas visited are classified as supervised radiation areas, eating and drinking are not allowed. In accordance with applicable legislation, your guide will use a dosimeter to ascertain that the dose received during your visit is negligible.

5. Underground areas are industrial work sites that contain a number of hazards that stem from cryogenic and gas systems for cooling and operating the detector, high voltage lines, and magnetic system. There are also basic risks such as same-level falls, trips, and slips. Please use the handrails especially on stairs. In addition, many of the instruments, encountered in these areas are very delicate. We therefore ask you to follow the instructions of your guide at all times, to stay with the guide and the group in the areas marked for visitor access, and to not touch any equipment.

6. In the unlikely event of an alarm, please follow the instructions given by your guide.

7. Please note that your guide may at any time refuse access for a visitor if he/she deems that such an access could compromise safety in any way.

8. Participation in the visit is at the visitors’ own risk. Please take care of any equipment you may bring with you, as you will remain fully responsible for its safety. Bags bigger than 10 litres are not allowed underground. The guide may ask you to leave the bags at the surface.