Meeting minutes OPS and sites 21/05/19


Andrew Mcnab

Brian Davies

Chris Brew

Dan Traynor

Daniela Bauer

Darren Moore

Davidv crooks


Gareth Roy

Gordon Stewart

John Hill

Kashif Mohammad

Mark Slater

Matt Doidge

Winnie Lacesco

Raja Nandakumar

Rob Currie

sam skipsey

Steve Jones

Teng Li


Review of weekly issues by experiment/VO


T2  ok running

T1 problem opening file on ECHO


Lots of jobs running due to no HLT

Bristol ticket: high load on SE.




No representation

Other: Updates should be recorded in

From DB:

*T2K (LFC to DFC): We are almost done, but someone needs to rescue Elena who ran into a DPM snafu.

*MICE (LFC to DFC): Mice is still deliberating of what to do with their tape data.

GridPP DIRAC status [Andrew McNab]

Snoplus also informed of LFC going away


LZ in push for kick off. so probably lots of jobs

cvmfs timeout for squid at Glasgow for  t2k jobs( size limit on objects (1G)on squid the issue possibly?)

AM:No cache limit in vac but CVMFS settings maybe . CVMFS_QUOTA_LIMIT CVMFS_NFILES


With reference to:

--General updates

Ping GR of any meeting you thing Jeremey Coles would have attended

HEPSYMAN this week

*WLCG co-ordination meeting last week , no one attended

**Cream migration workshop

***New EOL cream mailing list

**DPM upgrade talk

***lcd-dm support end 1/6/19

***KM-Oxford upgrading DOME, question regarding quota tokens, since not adding new VOs, can I just convert Space token to quota token?

***SS-New quotatoken for any space which can be written into

*** DPM workshop next month MD attending remotely

****UK position needs clarifying

 -- WLCG ops coordination

--Tier-1 status

Border Router upgrade tommorrow


10/6 next meeting EGI ops


KM on duty


BD ask ipv6 and storage status kept up to date


DC gave update

Training session at HEPSYSMAN


Latency perfSONAR Issue for Lancaster and Glasgow


RHUL ticket stuck in assign state

Manchester ticket stuck in assign state


Discussion topics

DB-Dirac workshop had direct interaction with users