Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

12–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Budapest timezone

Hotel information

The conference will take place in Hotel Benczur (3 stars), where participants can book rooms with or without air conditioning via a form accessible by clicking here. You may print, fill in, sign and send back to the hotel a scanned document via email ( The form asks for credit card details. If you are uncomfortable to write those in the form, please ring the hotel to finalise your booking (+36 1 479 5650). Note that free cancellation policy applies up to 7 days before arrival.

Ten more rooms are available at the nearby Hotel Mamaison (4 stars) located a 3 minute walk away from Hotel Benczur. All the rooms are fully air conditioned. Rooms at Hotel Mamaison can be booked by sending an email to Anetta (Franciscy Horvath Anetta Dora, with the booking details (name, arrival and departure date, double or single room) referring to "CSFK 12-17.06.2022". Note that free cancellation policy applies up to 30 days before arrival.

Prices per night are (all rooms include wifi): 

  Single Double
Hotel Benczur - economy (no air con) ‎‎‎€61 €70
Hotel Benczur - superior (with air con) €74 €89
Hotel Mamaison €119 €130


Please note that the rooms are guaranteed until 11 May 2022, and we strongly encourage you to book before this date. After this date we cannot assure availability anymore. The best would be to settle this well in advance.