2–6 Dec 2019
Australia/Sydney timezone

Testing the EWPT of 2HDM at future lepton Colliders

5 Dec 2019, 15:30
SNH 3003

SNH 3003

Oral Particle physics Parallel


wei su (university of Adelaide)


A successful electro-weak baryongenesis calls for a strong first order electro-weak phase transition (SFOEWPT), which is unavailable in the Standard Model (SM). Some degree of modification on Higgs potential at electro-weak temperature is required to develop an energy barrier, and the property of Higgs at zero temperature is also changed accordingly. In this work we study the realization of SFOEWPT in type-I and type-II two Higgs doublet model (2HDM), and changes of Higgs couplings in SFOEWPT satisfied parameter regions. A global fit to various search channels at future electron colliders is performed to obtain the 95% C.L. limits on parameter space. Our results shows that future electron colliders are capable of excluding most SFOEWPT parameter region in type-I and type-II 2HDM.

Primary author

wei su (university of Adelaide)


Dr Martin White Prof. Anthony Williams (University of Adelaide) Dr mengchao zhang (IBS-CTPU)

Presentation materials