LOC report
- Preparation smooth ongoing
- 62 abstract, 53 registration
- WG conveners should access Indico
- All SPC should be able to access Indico as well
- KNO participants encouraged to join the workshop. Announcement of KNO meeting will be done soon
- KNO workshop summary will go plenary talk
SPC report
- Plenary plan (see slide)
- Overview : more nomination required
- MINERvA and MicroBooNE separate talk
- Also include MiniBooNE, SPN2 ?
- Round table discussion move to 11:30
- KNO summary Wed 10:30
- Round table discussion topic?
- moving round table discussion after future experiment?
- Muon theory talk nomination needed
- DUNE & HK not detector technology (established experiments)
- Various detector technology topic can go parallel session
- BSN theory nomination : Silivia Pascoli (?)
- New nomination by Friday.
- Opening talk given by previous workshop chair, Concluding talk given by current workshop region (traditionally)
- Organizer can be concluding speaker
- Duplicated talk on ESSnS - abstract already submitted
- High priority goes to collaboration
- submitted abstract should be included - abstract will be checked
- Submitted abstract list will be shared to all SPC
- started contact
- remote talk request by two?? - no
- waiting for the list of abstract
- List of talk collected, not yet scheduled.
- all submitted abstracts accepted
- all confirmed talk scheduled
- Two talks from Belle-II ? - one for facility status, the other for physics prospect
- no relation between ORKA and neutrino oscillation
- LHCb on heavy neutrino?
Next week : meeting with WG conveners only ??
Ask accepted speaker to register.
EU side US side discussion separately.
Next SPC meeting at July
KNO meeting information should be circulated
For missing nomination, we are waiting