Kubernetes as a Container Application Platform (1/3)
,Container orchestrators based on Kubernetes are increasingly used for application deployment. Several applications have been deployed using these technologies, as for example CERN GitLab, central web hosting and some ATLAS analysis.
We will cover the entry-level for both application developers and system administrators who are interested in knowing how to start and deploy an application with Kubernetes or OpenShift and how to convert existing containerized applications into [operators](https://blog.openshift.com/introducing-the-operator-framework/).
Participants will be presented with a brief overview of Kubernetes concepts and an exploration of the Kubernetes API and client-libraries by the hand of the Red Hat experts.
Lecturers' bio:
Matt Dorn (mdorn@redhat.com)
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
Matt Dorn is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and helps hundreds of IT teams around the world succeed with cloud native technology. He is the author of the “Preparing for the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam” book, creator of the O’Reilly “Getting Starting with OpenStack” online class, and one of the leaders of the San Antonio Kubernetes MeetUp. Matt previously worked at CoreOS as a Field Engineer and Senior Technical Instructor. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Rackspace and trained engineers on building clouds with OpenStack. Matt blogs about open source software at madorn.com.
Michael Hrivnak (mhrivnak@redhat.com)
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
Michael Hrivnak is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. After leading development of early registry and distribution technology for container images, he became involved with solving real-world orchestration problems on Kubernetes. He now works on the Automation Broker and Operator SDK, projects that automate application management on Kubernetes by incorporating tools such as Ansible and Helm. Experienced in both software and systems engineering, Michael is excited to be writing software for systems engineers.
Edmund Ochieng (eochieng@redhat.com)
Edmund Ochieng is a member of the Operator Enablement team at Red Hat. My team works with independent software vendors to produce enterprise-ready operators that can run on both Kubernetes and Openshift. Besides that we also train and evangelize the value of operators.
Edmund worked with Google on their recently launched beta version of the Google Config Connector which allows for Google Cloud Platform resources to be provisioned as kubernetes native resources.
Maria Arsuaga Rios / 135 participants