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4–6 Dec 2019
UBB, Concepcion
America/Santiago timezone

The projective derivative as a dynamical tool

4 Dec 2019, 12:25
Auditorio Hermann Gamm (UBB, Concepcion)

Auditorio Hermann Gamm

UBB, Concepcion

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Avda. Collao 1202, Casilla 5-C, Concepción, Chile


Mario Ponce (UC)


When a group action of positive circle diffeomorphisms is considered, the projective derivative gives raise to a cocycle of M ̈obius transformations. By deducing precise expressions of this cocycle, we obtain several results about reducibility and almost reducibility to the group of rotations SL(2,R). We also discuss novel and classical results about the projective derivative for real maps. This is a joint work with Andrés Navas (USACH).

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