IT-protoDUNE coordination (Single Phase and Double Phase)

31/S-028 (CERN)



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Xavier Espinal Curull (CERN)
Coordination: JIRA, Minutes, etc.


Room: Xavi, Ignacio

Remote: Denis, Geoff, Elisabetta, Stu

Round Table

Denis: Service account for shifters configuration: problems configuring Kerberos. Follow up to tickets.

Elisabetta: Running tests with FTS. Everything going smoothly. DC: Fermilab working on writing via Rucio. Gas to start filling the tank middle next week.

Geoff: Nothing to report

Stu: CTA: Will keep current tape format? We understand that is not changing at all.
Comment on FNAL: As soon as Steve deletes data the NP04 data fills the freed space.

Xavi: A note on the availability of space that was commented during last meeting: it's not longer true, at least to the scale that we discussed, but there will be space available around September/October.

Xavi: Granted EOS write access as requested. To check if Elisabetta has admin rights in the managing e-group.





There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Coordination update
      • Overleaf workshop July 3rd (9:30AM-12:00AM):
      Speaker: Xavier Espinal Curull (CERN)
    • 2
      Round-table: status reports
      Speaker: All