by Hans Dembinski (maintainer), Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
We are doing a gentle introduction on how to use iminuit. Feel free to ask any questions!
# basic setup of the notebook
# !pip install iminuit matplotlib numpy
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 20
import numpy as np
# let's make a line model
def line(x, a, b):
return a + x * b
a_true = 1.0
b_true = 2.0
# let's make some data
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
# precomputed random numbers from standard normal distribution
z = np.array([-0.49783783, -0.33041722, -1.71800806, 1.60229399,
1.36682387, -1.15424221, -0.91425267, -0.03395604,
-1.27611719, -0.7004073 ])
sigma_y = 0.1 * np.ones_like(x)
y = line(x, a_true, b_true) + sigma_y * z
plt.errorbar(x, y, sigma_y, fmt="o")
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1);
# least-squares score function = sum of data residuals squared
def LSQ(a, b):
return np.sum((y - line(x, a, b)) ** 2 / sigma_y ** 2)
# everything in iminuit is done through the Minuit object, so we import it
from iminuit import Minuit
# create instance of Minuit and pass score function to minimize
m = Minuit(LSQ)
# set start values via keywords for a and b
m = Minuit(LSQ, a=5, b=5)
Notice how iminuit figured out that the arguments of LSQ are called "a" and "b". This is a cool gimmick of iminuit.
# set step size with error_<name>=... keyword
m = Minuit(LSQ, a=5, b=5, error_a=0.1, error_b=0.1)
for least-squares score functionerrordef=0.5
for maximum-likelihood score function# set errordef=1 for least-squares score function
m = Minuit(LSQ, a=5, b=5, error_a=0.1, error_b=0.1, errordef=1)
# no more warnings! :-D
# fast alternative: just silence all warnings
m = Minuit(LSQ, pedantic=False)
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread("img/trollface.png")
# check current parameter state (do this at any time)
# one-sided limit a > 0, two-sided limit 0 < b < 10
m = Minuit(LSQ, a=5, b=5,
error_a=0.1, error_b=0.1,
limit_a=(0, None), limit_b=(0, 10),
# fix parameter a
m = Minuit(LSQ, a=2, b=5, fix_a=True,
error_a=0.1, error_b=0.1,
# run migrad; will not vary a because we fixed it, only b
# get parameter values
a_fit = m.values["a"] # m.values[0] also works
b_fit = m.values["b"] # m.values[1] also works
plt.errorbar(x, y, sigma_y, fmt="o")
plt.plot(x, line(x, a_fit, b_fit));
# release fix on "a" and minimize again
m.fixed["a"] = False # m.fixed[0] = False also works
iminuit can fail, so carefully check Migrad status report
Common reasons for failures
Acceptable issues
to repair thisPossibly tolerable issues (but indicate that something is fishy)
# get better parameter values
a_fit = m.values["a"]
b_fit = m.values["b"]
plt.errorbar(x, y, sigma_y, fmt="o")
plt.plot(x, line(x, a_fit, b_fit))
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1);
def LSQ_numpy(par): # par is numpy array here
ym = np.polyval(par, x) # for len(par) == 2 this is a line
return np.sum((y - ym) ** 2 / sigma_y ** 2)
# pass starting values and step sizes as numpy arrays
m = Minuit.from_array_func(LSQ_numpy, (5, 5), error=(0.1, 0.1), errordef=1)
# automatic parameter names are assigned x0, x1, ...
# can easily change number of fitted parameters and assign names
m = Minuit.from_array_func(LSQ_numpy, (2, 1, 3, 5), error=0.1,
name=("a", "b", "c", "d"), errordef=1)
# fit the thing
# can also use score function with scipy.optimize.minimize-like interface
from iminuit import minimize # has same interface as scipy.optimize.minimize
minimize(LSQ_numpy, (5, 5, 5, 5))
# get parameter values as arrays
par_fit = m.np_values()
plt.errorbar(x, y, sigma_y, fmt="o")
plt.plot(x, np.polyval(par_fit, x), label="pol4")
plt.plot(x, line(x, a_fit, b_fit), label="pol2")
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1);
# check reduced chi2, goodness-of-fit estimate, should be around 1
m.fval / (len(y) - len(m.values))
explicitly after m.migrad()
# calling hesse explicitly
# get full correlation matrix (automatically prints nicely in notebook)
# or get covariance matrix
# or get matrix as numpy array
# access individual elements of matrices
corr = m.np_matrix(correlation=True)
print(corr[0, 1])
print(corr[0, 3])
# Minos errors now appear in parameter table
# plot parameters with errors
v = m.np_values()
ve = m.np_errors()
vm = m.np_merrors()
npar = len(v)
indices = np.arange(npar)
# plot hesse errors
plt.errorbar(indices - 0.05, v, ve, fmt="ob")
# plot minos errors
plt.errorbar(indices + 0.05, v, vm, fmt="or")
# make nice labels
plt.xticks(indices, m.values.keys())
plt.xlim(-0.2, indices[-1] + 0.2)
m.draw_mncontour('a','b', nsigma=4); # nsigma=4 says: draw four contours from sigma=1 to 4
# get scan data to plot it yourself
px, py = m.profile('a', subtract_min=True)
plt.plot(px, py);