14/03: Brian noticed that some sites stopped provide dumps of atlas namespace. Scripts stopped working after DPM upgrade and contacted sites. Brian will open JIRA ticket.
    ATLAS documentation here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasComputing/DDMDarkDataAndLostFiles#Automated_checks_Site_Responsibi
    Sites are now making the dumps. Working on RAL Tier1 Echo, which needs a Rucio change.
    28/03: Sam: needs to fine tune how to automate dumps.
    Matt: Lancaster still to do. Brian will prod him before next week.
    04/04: Brian will check what sites now have setup.
    The dump format is described here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasComputing/DDMDarkDataAndLostFiles#Storage_Element_Dumps . Paths should be relative to the "rucio" directory.
    18/04: Brian: still working on Glasgow and Lancaster.
    Sam says Glasgow now has a dump. There have been problems getting it to work as a cron job, due to xrootd permissions problems.
    02/05: Lancaster dump is in the wrong place (root://fal-pygrid-30.lancs.ac.uk/dpm/lancs.ac.uk/home/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk/rucio/dump_20190429). Should be root://fal-pygrid-30.lancs.ac.uk/dpm/lancs.ac.uk/home/atlas/atlaslocalgroupdisk/dumps/dump_20190429. Matt will fix it.
    Glasgow dump now available.
    09/05: All Tier-2s now have dump files.
        RAL Tier-1 still to fix automatic dump (previously done by hand).
    06/06: As well as fixing the RAL Tier-1 dump format, we also need the aforementioned change in the Rucio Consistency checker.