7–9 Nov 2019
Universidad de Medellin - Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Status of the MicroBooNE Low-energy Excess Search

Not scheduled
Building 11 (Universidad de Medellin - Colombia)

Building 11

Universidad de Medellin - Colombia

Parallel Session Talk: Systematics and Analysis Techniques


Prof. Joshua Spitz (University of Michigan)


The primary goal of MicroBooNE is to address the origin of the excess
of low energy electromagnetic-like events observed by MiniBooNE.
This talk will present MicroBooNE's progress towards a low-energy
excess result, including the status of targeted searches for both
single-photon-like and electron-like events.

Primary author

Prof. Joshua Spitz (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.