4th ATLAS Machine Learning Workshop

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


Show room on map

The forth workshop on the use of machine learning (ML) across the ATLAS Collaboration will be held at CERN November 11-15, 2019. It follows the the firstsecond, and third in Atlas Machine Learning workshops, and will be similar in focus.

  • The agenda will be structured as follows:
    • Monday will consist of open sessions where speakers from other experiments, theorists, and from the Machine Learning community will be invited. 
    • Tuesday will be devoted to tutorials
    • Wednesday and Thursday will be dedicated to ATLAS speakers. Abstracts submitted via indict (left column) will be accepted until October 25th. 
    • Friday morning will consist of a close-out session.
    • The reminder of Friday will consist of "expert" sessions where focus will be on technical issues and planning for next following year.
  • Participation is free
  • Please please register (left hand column) and specify whether you'll be physically present at CERN during most of the workshop.

Contact: ATLAS ML conveners, Dan Guest and Amir Farbin.

4th ATLAS Machine Learning Workshop
Dinner at La Potiniere
12 / 60