WG1 periodic meeting
Wednesday 23 October 2019 -
Monday 21 October 2019
Tuesday 22 October 2019
Wednesday 23 October 2019
Proposal for the validation of Monte Carlo implementations of the standard model effective field theory
Gauthier Durieux
Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
Proposal for the validation of Monte Carlo implementations of the standard model effective field theory
Gauthier Durieux
Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
09:00 - 09:25
Higgs Couplings without the Higgs
Francesco Riva
Universite de Geneve (CH)
Higgs Couplings without the Higgs
Francesco Riva
Universite de Geneve (CH)
09:30 - 09:55
arXiv: 1812.09299
Top-quark electroweak interactions at high energy
Ken Mimasu
Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science &
Ken Mimasu
Université Catholique de Louvain
Top-quark electroweak interactions at high energy
Ken Mimasu
Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science &
Ken Mimasu
Université Catholique de Louvain
10:00 - 10:25
EFT / same-sign WW
Paweł Kozów
EFT / same-sign WW
Paweł Kozów
10:30 - 10:55
arXiv: 1906.10769, 1905.03354