If you have Vivado locally: git clone https://github.com/hls-fpga-machine-learning/hls4ml-tutorial.git -b fpl2020 Create a conda environment using the environment.yml If you have Docker locally: Image without Vivado (faster download, can’t do all sections) docker run -p 8888:8888 gitlab-registry.cern.ch/ssummers/hls4ml-tutorial:9 Image with Vivado (can do all sections, 30 GB image) docker run -p 8888:8888 gitlab-registry.cern.ch/ssummers/hls4ml-tutorial:viv2 If you have neither Vivado nor Docker locally: git clone https://github.com/hls-fpga-machine-learning/hls4ml-tutorial.git -b fpl2020 Create a conda environment using the environment.yml. You will not be able to run 'hls_model.build'