Sydney meeting May 2019


The Sydney particle physics and cosmology meeting will take place in room SNH3003 in the Sydney Nanoscience Hub at the University of Sydney on Friday 3 May 2019. It is organised by the particle physics group at the University of Sydney and the particle physics and cosmology group at UNSW Sydney.


For the record and to allow further discussion we are listing below the list of attendants. Students and postdocs are grouped together with their respective supervisor (in case of joint supervision, they are listed multiple times).

University of Sydney

  • Celine Boehm, Zachary Picker
  • Archil Kobakhidze, Suntharan Arunasalam, Daniel Collison, Yunho Kim, Cyril Lagger, Zachary Picker, Isabel Bunting, Lawrence Cohen, Darcy O'Sullivan
  • Kevin Varvell, Chia-Ling Hsu, Carl Suster, Ethan Cross
  • Bruce Yabsley, Frank Meier, Priyanka Cheema

UNSW Sydney

  • Jan Hamann, Yuqi Kang
  • Michael Schmidt, Tobias Felkl, Adam Lackner
  • Yvonne Wong, Amol Upadhye, Jack Bennett, Joe Chen