ZDC Weekly Meeting



Michael Murray (University of Kansas (US))

Discusson of calibration, performance paper and run preparations.

Minutes of ZDC Thursday Meeting 17 October 2019

Agenda & Slides at

News: Michael
On Tuesday their will be a discussion of the new TAN, ie the TAXN at the
 HL-LHC-WP8 meeting, next Tuesday 22nd October at 10am. It is important that we make the case for the ZDC cranes to be moved to the TAXN after Run 3. If we cannot have cranes on the TAXN then we will not be able to have ZDCs for Run 4. Michael will prepare slides that will be presented by either
by Lucia  Silvestris or Austin Ball.

For PbPb we need to get calibrations in HCAL database.

Monte Carlo: Oliver Suranyi
Oliver has improved the ZDC Monte Carlo by getting the proper parallelepiped shape for the tungsten plates. He will be using the MC results for the performance paper.

Next meeting 24th October 2019

----------------------------------------- Prepared by Michael Murray  ---------------------------------------


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