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4–6 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

A wrinkle in spacetime: searching for gravitational wave signatures of multiple hidden sectors.

4 May 2020, 14:45
Parallel Talk Cosmology Cosmology I


Mr Paul Archer-Smith (Carleton University)


I explore the possibility of detecting gravitational waves generated by first order phase transitions in multiple dark sectors. Nnaturalness is taken as a sample model that features multiple additional sectors, many of which undergo phase transitions that produce gravitational waves. I examine the cosmological history of this framework and determine the gravitational wave profiles generated. These profiles are checked against projections of next generation gravitational wave experiments, demonstrating that multiple hidden sectors can indeed produce unique gravitational wave signatures that will be probed by these future experiments.

Primary author

Mr Paul Archer-Smith (Carleton University)


Daniel Stolarski Dylan Linthorne (Carleton University)

Presentation materials