Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

4–6 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

"Dark Scalars and Heavy Neutral Leptons at the Fermilab SeaQuest Experiment"

4 May 2020, 18:00
Parallel Talk Dark Matter DM II


Mr Mudit Rai (University of Pittsburgh)


We analyze the sensitivity of the Fermilab SeaQuest experiment to GeV-scale dark scalars and heavy neutral leptons. We consider a variety of production mechanisms, including meson decays, proton bremsstrahlung, and perturbative QCD processes, and study a variety of displaced final states signatures for these light exotic new particles.
We show that SeaQuest has the potential to probe significant new regions of parameter space in these scenarios on a time scale that is competitive with or better than other planned experiments.

Primary authors

Prof. Brian Batell (University of Pittsburgh) Dr Jared Evans (University of Cincinnati) Mr Mudit Rai (University of Pittsburgh) Prof. Stefania Gori (University of California Santa Cruz)

Presentation materials