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4–6 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Doubly Heavy Tetraquarks in the Heavy-Diquark Limit with Error Bars

4 May 2020, 18:00
Parallel Talk QCD & Electroweak Flavor I


Liping He (Ohio State University)


In the heavy-diquark limit, the two heavy quarks in a doubly heavy baryon or a doubly heavy tetraquark are bound by their color-Coulomb potential into a compact core. The doubly heavy hadron is related by an approximate symmetry to the heavy hadron obtained by replacing the diquark core by a heavy antiquark. The masses of heavy hadrons can be expanded in inverse powers of the heavy quark mass. These expansions can be used to predict the masses of doubly heavy tetraquarks using as inputs the masses of heavy mesons and heavy baryons measured in experiments and the masses of doubly heavy baryons calculated using lattice QCD. We present the resulting predictions with error bars for the masses of the ground-state doubly heavy tetraquarks.


exotic hadrons

Primary authors

Eric Braaten (Ohio State University) Liping He (Ohio State University) Abhishek Mohapatra (Duke University)

Presentation materials