Venezuela on LASF4RI: White Paper proposal
Executive summary
Please, for context, refer to the bullet points [1] and presentation [2] at the end of this text.
In the context of the call by the Latin American Strategy for Research Infrastructures (LASF4RI), the last 15th of November we had a meeting ( to discuss ideas and to design the first draft of a White Paper to be presented by Venezuela as a country (individual or group proposals are possible and welcome also). 
The outcomes of this meeting were:
  Where the critical points to request to such parties are relative to
In general, the White Paper should contain/highlight:
The group of people presented in the meeting is fully committed to the preparation of such a proposal.
Moreover, an online document will be created to allow the constant review by all the relevant parties.
This document should be integrated into the Google Drive folder:
[2] Here is the report from Venezuela: