Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

17 January 2020
Imperial College
Europe/London timezone


The white papers

17 Jan 2020, 14:00
SAF G34 (Imperial College)


Imperial College

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
James Hetherington
17/01/2020, 14:00


Nicholas Walton
17/01/2020, 14:20

15 + 5 mins

Barbara Montanari (STFC)
17/01/2020, 14:40

15 + 5 mins

Dr Jeremy Sharp (JISC)
17/01/2020, 15:00

15 + 5 mins

Peter Clarke (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
17/01/2020, 15:20

15 + 5 mins

Mark Wilkinson
17/01/2020, 15:40
Building timetable...