Possible locations?
- TIIME and TechEx have problem that we don't reach new Communities
- We need to change the level of discussion if we are inviting many new communities
- Standalone?
- CERN happy to host (could be November or December)
- Need to avoid Thanksgiving and SuperComputing
- PEARC (July)
- Can send a few individuals (TomB, it's too late to book a side meeting)
- Go to the big 5 ESFRIs (?)
- They are not all active yet
- RDA, could hold meeting before or after
- March 20 = Melbourne
- Nov 30 = Costa Rica
- Apr 21 = Edinburgh
- TechEx (October)
- More non-Research Community people, need to tailor the agenda to that
What do we need to meet about?
- We are no longer saying "we are the market" in the same was as v2
- Aim to influence Framework Europe
- Aim to collect data
- Maybe we need to be putting FIM requirements into Research Agreements (Marcus)
Next Steps
- 1 or 2 pages for EOSC AAI (do this week)
- From this write a longer document, could even be a v3
- SPs happy to pool data (PeterG)
- EOSC AAI position paper (DaveK)