[CANCELLED] Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity (6th edition) - QIQG
Insights from quantum information theory have played a tremendous role in understanding the emergence of spacetime in holography and quantum gravity. The aim of this workshop is to develop the interplay between these different fields in order to deepen our understanding of quantum gravity. This event will the 6th instalment of "Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity”, which is a series of conferences centered around this pluri-disciplinary effort with previous editions being held in Vancouver, Perimeter, Vancouver, Florence, Davis.
Organizers: A. Belin, A. Castro, J. de Boer, R. Myers, B. Swingle, A. Zhiboedov
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the complications related to safety and travel of speakers and participants, we have decided to cancel Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity 6.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Tarek Anous | Ling-Yan Hung | Geoff Pennington |
Nathan Benjamin | Daniel Kapec | Andrea Puhm |
Alice Bernamonti | Monica Kang | Renato Renner |
Charles Cao | Lampros Lamprou | Simon Ross |
Pawel Caputa | Nima Lashkari | Gabor Sarosi |
Shira Chapman | Raghu Mahajan | Edgar Shaghoulian |
Aristos Donos | Juan Maldacena (virtual talk) | Julian Sonner |
Jens Eisert | Henry Maxfield | Erik Tonni |
Ben Freivogel | Kyriakos Papadodimas | Erik Verlinde |
Michal Heller | Monica Pate | Michael Walter |
Registration are open now and will close on Feb 23rd h23:59