The XXVIII International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2021)

from Monday 23 August 2021 (08:00) to Saturday 28 August 2021 (18:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Aug 2021
24 Aug 2021
25 Aug 2021
26 Aug 2021
27 Aug 2021
28 Aug 2021
Opening Remarks - Tianjun Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 08:25) ()
08:00 Opening remarks I - Rong-Gen Cai   ()
08:08 Opening remarks II - Pran Nath   ()
08:16 Picture taking   ()
Plenary - Chao-Hsi Chang (until 10:05) ()
08:25 Future Colliders - Yi-Fang Wang (IHEP, Beijing)   ()
08:50 (Non-)SUSY 2021 and Cosmology: overview and new developments - Eva Silverstein   ()
09:15 Theoretical overview of muon g-2 - Motoi Endo   ()
09:40 The First Results of the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment - Liang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))   ()
10:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) (until 11:35) ()
10:35 The SBC Liquid Argon Bubble Chamber for Dark Matter and CEvNS from reactors - Marie-Cécile Piro (University of Alberta)   ()
10:55 Cogeneration of Baryons and Twin Quark Dark Matter - Christopher Verhaaren (Brigham Young University)   ()
11:15 Primordial black holes as a natural dark matter candidate in supersymmetry - Marcos Flores (UCLA)   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Ying Li (Yantai University, China) (until 11:35) ()
10:35 Results and Prospects of Radiative and Electroweak Penguin Decays at Belle II - Yo Sato (KEK IPNS)   ()
10:55 Imprint of SUSY in radiative B-meson decays - Prof. Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei University)   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 11:35) ()
10:35 Primordial gravitational waves and primordial black holes - Wu Puxun   ()
10:55 Detecting primordial black hole as dark matter by induced gravitational waves - Shi Pi (ITP, CAS)   ()
11:15 Primordial black holes and gravitational waves - Sai Wang (IHEP, CAS)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Huajia Wang (until 11:35) ()
10:35 Sequestered Inflation - Renata Kallosh (Stanford university)   ()
11:15 Scattering amplitudes of massive spin-2 particles in Extra Dimensional theories - Dr DIPAN SENGUPTA (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, San Diego)   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Zhaofeng Kang (until 11:35) ()
10:35 Search for new physics with unconventional signatures in CMS - John Paul Chou (Rutgers State Univ. of New Jersey (US))   ()
10:55 Uncovering quirk signal with energy loss inside tracker - Junle Pei (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
11:15 Machine Learning the Higgs-top CP Measurement - Rahool Barman (Oklahoma State University)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Carlos E.M. Wagner (University of Chicago) (until 11:35) ()
10:35 Natural SUSY emergent from the landscape - Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)   ()
10:55 Diluting SUSY flavour problem on the Landscape - Priyanka Lamba (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560012, India)   ()
11:15 Linking the Supersymmetric Standard Model to the Cosmological Constant - Yucheng QIU (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   ()
11:35 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Chao-Shang Huang (until 10:05) ()
08:00 The Foundation of Unification Theory & Gravitational Wave Detections in Space - Yue-Liang Wu (ITP, Beijing)   ()
08:25 Collider Searches, Standard Model Effective Theory - Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas)   ()
08:50 Prospects of HL-LHC (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb) - Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook National University (KR))   ()
09:15 EW/Top measurements at ATLAS and CMS - Aleksandra Dimitrievska (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   ()
09:40 Top Quark Physics - Qing-Hong Cao (Peking University)   ()
10:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin, Madison) (until 11:55) ()
10:35 WimPyDD: a modular and customizable Python code for the calculation of WIMP-nucleon scattering direct detection signals in virtually any scenario - Mr Sunghyun Kang (Sogang University)   ()
10:55 BSM physics explanations of $a_\mu$ in light of the FNAL muon $g-2$ measurement - Douglas Jacob (Monash University)   ()
11:15 Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter Model Inspired by Grand Unification - Dr Takashi Toma (Kanazawa University)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Song He (ITP, CAS) (until 11:55) ()
10:35 Microscopic description of brane gauginos - Gary Shiu   ()
11:15 TBA - John Joseph M Carrasco (Northwestern U)   ()
Neutrino Physics and Leptons - Michael Schmidt (UNSW Sydney) (until 11:55) ()
10:35 Probing non-standard neutrino interactions with low energy neutrino-electron elastic scattering in reactor experiments - Ankur Verma (Texas A & M University)   ()
10:55 Coherent neutrino scattering and the Migdal effect - Jiajun Liao (Sun Yat-sen University)   ()
11:15 Neutral Current Neutrino Interactions at FASER$\nu$ - Roshan Mammen Abraham (Oklahoma State University)   ()
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory - Yu-tin Huang (National Taiwan University) (until 11:55) ()
10:35 To simplify complicated IBP reduction coefficients via improved Leinartas' algorithm - Zihao Wu   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Robin Erbacher (University of California Davis (US)) (until 11:55) ()
10:35 Tumblers: A Novel Collider Signature for Long-Lived Particles - Prof. Brooks Thomas (Lafayette College)   ()
10:55 Triggering long-lived particles in HL-LHC and the challenges in the first stage of the trigger system - Prabhat Solanki (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India)   ()
11:15 Search for long-lived particles in CMS - Jingyu Luo (Brown University (US))   ()
Split SUSY and High-Scale SUSY - Keith A. Olive (University of Minnesota (US)) (until 11:55) ()
10:35 Expectations for SUSY from the landscape - Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)   ()
10:55 The Race to Find Split Higgsino Dark Matter - Benjamin Sheff   ()
11:15 Gravitational Waves from Mini-Split SUSY - Dr Bartosz Fornal (Barry University)   ()
11:35 High-Scale Supersymmetry, Inflation, and Leptogenesis - Sarunas Verner (University of Minnesota)   ()
11:55 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Lorenzo Calibbi (Nankai University) (until 09:40) ()
08:00 Axion dark matter - Pierre Sikivie (University of Florida)   ()
08:25 Precision axion physics with running axion couplings - Kiwoon Choi (IBS, Daejeon)   ()
08:50 Exploring farther with long-lived particles - Jessie Shelton   ()
09:15 Four-form relaxation of Higgs mass and its cosmological implications - Hyun Min Lee (Chung-Ang U)   ()
09:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Sugumi Kanno (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Exploring fundamental physics with gravitational wave observations - Bangalore Sathyaprakash (The Pennsylvania State University)   ()
10:50 Effective picture of cosmic bubble expansion - Shao-Jiang Wang   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Wanzhe Feng (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Thermodynamics of Supersymmetric Black Holes in AdS(5) - Finn Larsen (Michigan U)   ()
10:50 Quantum gravity microstates from Fredholm determinants - Clifford Johnson (University of Southern California and Princeton University)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Kechen Wang (Wuhan University of Technology) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Implication of Higgs/EW precision on 2HDM - wei su (university of Adelaide)   ()
10:35 Heavy Higgs Bosons in 2HDM at a Muon Collider - Shufang Su (University of Arizona)   ()
11:05 Testing electroweak phase transition at muon colliders - Wei Liu (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)   ()
Neutrino Physics and Leptons - Shun Zhou (IHEP, CAS) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Results on Lepton Flavor Universality and Lepton Flavor Violation at Belle - Hulya Atmacan (University of Cincinnati Main Campus) Hulya Atmacan   ()
10:30 Tau physics prospects at Belle II - Marcela Garcia Hernandez   ()
10:50 Testing the neutrino mass generation mechanism at the current and future colliders - Arindam Das (Hokkaido University)   ()
11:10 1 ↔ 2 Processes of a Sterile Neutrino Around Electroweak Scale in the Thermal Plasma - Yi-Lei Tang (Sun Yat-Sen University)   ()
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory - Yang Zhang (USTC) (until 11:30) ()
10:20 Recent Developments in N=4 Yang-Mills Scattering Amplitudes - Anastasia Volovich (Brown University (US))   ()
11:00 Collider Physics tools for classical gravitational wave observables - Enrico Herrmann (UCLA)   ()
11:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Jin-Min Yang (ITP, CAS) (until 09:40) ()
08:00 Neutrino masses and Yukawa interactions - Zhi-zhong Xing (Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
08:25 Solar WIMP Search with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Jeffrey Lazar (University of Wisconsin-Madison)   ()
08:50 Galactic Probes of Dark-Sector Physics - Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton University)   ()
09:15 Progresses of the Dark Matter Particle Explorer - Qiang Yuan (Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS)   ()
09:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin, Madison) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 (In)elastic Boosted Dark Matter Search Prospects at DUNE - Doojin Kim (Texas A&M University)   ()
10:30 Prospects for Low Mass Dark Matter Searches at DUNE - Wooyoung Jang (Texas U, Arlington)   ()
10:50 Lepton Number Violating Electron Recoils at XENON1T and PandaX by the U(1)B-L Model with Non-Standard Interactions - Yugen Lin (Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
11:10 Neutrino and Axion Astronomy with Dark Matter Experiments - Volodymyr Takhistov   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Jianming Qian (University of Michigan (US)) Qiang Li (Peking University (CN)) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Higgs boson measurements in its decays into bosons with the ATLAS experiment - Rafael Coelho Lopes De Sa (University of Massachusetts (US))   ()
10:30 Searches for low- and high-mass Higgs-like resonances with the ATLAS detector - Shuo Han (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   ()
10:50 Electroweak Restoration at the LHC and Beyond: The $Vh$ Channel - Samuel Lane (University of Kansas)   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Yuming Wang (Nankai University) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 New physics in $b\rightarrow se^+e^-$: A model independent analysis - Suman Kumbhakar (IISc Bangalore)   ()
10:30 A Flavorful Composite Higgs Model : Connecting B anomalies with the hierarchy problem - Yi Chung (University of California, Davis)   ()
10:50 Solving flavor anomalies in the 2HDM with flavor symmetries - Prof. Fanrong Xu (Jinan University)   ()
11:10 Analysis of $B_c \to D^{(*)}\tau \bar \nu_\tau$ processes - Dr Suchismita Sahoo (Central University of Karnataka)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Yu Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Probing the minimal $U(1)_X$ model at future electron-positron colliders via the fermion pair-production channel - Arindam Das (Hokkaido University)   ()
10:35 Millicharged particles at electron colliders - Jinhan Liang (Nanjing University)   ()
11:00 Radiation Amplitude Zero and Production of Leptoquark at Electron-Proton and Electron-Photon colliders - Anirban Karan (IIT Hyderabad)   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Zhaofeng Kang (until 11:30) ()
10:10 A Suppressed Higgs coupling in a classically conformal extension of the Standard Model - Victor Baules (University of Alabama, The)   ()
10:30 New bounds on sparticle masses through rare signals and collider searches - Humberto Gilmer (Ohio State University)   ()
10:50 Non-Minimal Dark Sectors: Mediator-induced Decay Chains and Multi-Jet Collider Signatures - Huayang Song (University of Arizona)   ()
11:10 Light hidden mesons inspired by neutral naturalness and SUSY - LINGFENG LI (HKUST)   ()
11:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Yu-Qi Chen (Institute of Theoretical Physics) (until 09:40) ()
08:00 Baryogenesis and New Physics - Carlos E. M. Wagner   ()
08:25 The String Landscape and Particle Remnants - James Halverson (Northeastern U)   ()
08:50 Aspirations and Prospects for Natural Supersymmetry - Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)   ()
09:15 GAMBIT: The Global and Modular Beyond-the-Standard-Model Inference Tool - Csaba Balazs (Monash University)   ()
09:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Axion Physics and Experiments - Nick Houston (Beijing University of Technology) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 High-quality axions in solutions to the $\mu$ problem - Prudhvi Bhattiprolu (Northern Illinois University)   ()
10:30 Resurrecting Low-Mass Axion Dark Matter Via a Dynamical QCD Scale - Fei Huang (ITP CAS and UC Irvine)   ()
10:50 The Earth as a transducer for dark-photon dark-matter detection - Saarik Kalia (Stanford University)   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Jianming Qian (University of Michigan (US)) Junjie Cao (Henan Normal University) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Resonant and non-resonant HH production at CMS - Siddhesh Sawant (Baylor University (US))   ()
10:30 The anomalous Zbb couplings at the LHC and lepton-hadron colliders - Dr Bin Yan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
10:50 Rare top quark production at ATLAS and CMS: ttZ, ttW, ttgamma, tZ, tgamma, and tttt production - Emanuele Usai (Brown University (US))   ()
11:10 The Higgs-top CP phase with tth at the 14 TeV LHC and 100 TeV FCC - Dr Yongcheng Wu (Oklahoma State University)   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Lorenzo Calibbi (Nankai University) (until 11:30) ()
10:10 Taming the $\epsilon_K$ in Little Randall Sundrum Models - Dr Mathew Thomas (IISER, Trivandrum)   ()
10:30 Stringy origin of modular flavor symmetry and spontaneous CP violation - Hajime Otsuka (KEK, Tsukuba)   ()
10:50 A Supersymmetric Flavor Clockwork - Sri Aditya Gadam (University of California, Santa Cruz)   ()
11:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary - Tao Han (University of Pittsburgh) (until 09:15) ()
08:00 String Inflation - Renata Kallosh (Stanford university)   ()
08:25 Quantum Gravity and the Swampland - Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)   ()
08:50 Exploring suspersymmetric theories from scattering amplitudes - Yu-tin Huang (National Taiwan University)   ()
09:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Cong-Feng Qiao (until 11:10) ()
09:45 SUSY 2022 Announcement - Georgios Leontaris (University of Ioannina (GR))   ()
10:10 Why SUSY is great - Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU, Tokyo)   ()
10:55 Acknowledgments - Tianjun Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Searching for Solar KDAR with DUNE - Olexiy Dvornikov (University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))   ()
13:50 Gamma-ray signatures of velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation - Jason Kumar   ()
14:10 Cancellation in Dark Matter-Nucleon Interactions: the Role of Non-Standard-Model-like Yukawa Couplings - Mr Bibhabasu De (IOP Bhubaneswar)   ()
14:30 Early kinetic decoupling and Higgs invisible decay in simple dark matter models - Tomohiro Abe (Tokyo University of Science)   ()
14:50 Wino dark matter searches with dwarf spheroidal galaxies - Koji Ishiwata (Kanazawa University)   ()
15:10 A probe into leptophilic scalar dark matter - Sreemanti Chakraborti (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India)   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Sugumi Kanno (until 15:30) ()
13:30 From the merger rate of Primordial Black Hole Binaries to the Primordial Power Spectrum of curvature perturbation on small scales - Prof. Zhang Ying-li   ()
13:50 Fast Gravitational Wave Burst from Axion Clumps - Dr Yun-Long Zhang (NAOC, Beijing)   ()
14:10 Search for ultralight dark matter and cosmological phase transition using pulsar timing arrays - Prof. Qiang Yuan (Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS)   ()
14:30 Testing the dispersion of gravitational waves using b-EMRI systems - Xian Chen   ()
14:50 Towards the precise prediction of the phase transition gravitational wave - Prof. Fa Huang Huang (SunYat-Sen university)   ()
15:10 Probing GHz gravitational waves with magnons - Asuka Ito (Tokyo institute of technology)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Yang Zhou (until 15:30) ()
13:30 A Penrose limit for type IIB  AdS_6 solutions - Michael Gutperle (UCLA)   ()
14:10 Superconformal approach to N=4 supergravity - Bindusar Sahoo (IISER, India)   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Shufang Su (University of Arizona) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Possible indications for new Higgs bosons in the reach of the LHC: N2HDM and NMSSM interpretations - Thomas Biekoetter (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
13:50 A 96 GeV Higgs boson in the 2HDMS - Cheng Li (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
14:10 The forgotten channels: charged Higgs boson decays to a W± and a non-SM-like Higgs boson - Jonas Wittbrodt (Lund University)   ()
14:30 Displaced Higgs production in Type-III Seesaw at the LHC/FCC, MATHUSLA and Muon collider - Chandrima Sen (Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad)   ()
14:50 Searches for heavy resonances decaying into Z, W, and Higgs bosons at CMS - Qilong Guo (Peking University (CN))   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Wenyu Wang (Beijing University of Technology) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Interplay Between Dark Matter Freeze Out/In and Primordial Black Hole Evaporation - Dr Lucien Heurtier (IPPP, Durham, England)   ()
16:20 Direct detection of non-galactic light dark matter - Gonzalo Herrera (Technical University of Munich, Max Planck Institute for Physic)   ()
16:40 Dark-sector physics at Belle II - Sascha Simon Dreyer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
17:00 Thermal WIMPs and the scale of new physics - Dr Tomas Gonzalo (RWTH Aachen)   ()
17:20 Lower Mass Bounds on Freeze-in Dark Matter - Alessandro Lenoci (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
17:40 Dark matter phenomenology in two higgs doublet model with complex scalar singlet - Juhi Dutta (University of Hamburg)   ()
Early Universe Cosmology - Yeuk Kwan Edna Cheung (Nanjing University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Messenger inflation in gauge mediation and superWIMP dark matter - Shinsuke Kawai (Sungkyunkwan University)   ()
16:20 A new approach to t-channel singularities in cosmology - Michał Iglicki (University of Warsaw)   ()
16:40 Initial conditions of pre-inflation in LQC - Mohd Shahalam (Zhejiang University of Technology)   ()
17:00 Classical gravitational scattering from a gauge-invariant double copy - Gang Chen (Queen Mary University of London)   ()
17:20 Yangian bootstrap in three-body effective potential in general relativity - Tianheng Wang   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Gravity and cosmology beyond general relativity and gravitational waves - Shinji Mukohyama   ()
16:40 Testing gravitational theories with broken Lorentz symmetry by gravitational wave observations - Dr Chao Zhang (Zhejiang University of Technology)   ()
17:00 Probing beyond standard model physics from gravitational waves - Tanmay Kumar Poddar (Physical Research Laboratory)   ()
17:15 Primordial gravitational waves revealed by a spinning axion - Peera Simakachorn (Universität Hamburg and DESY)   ()
17:30 Renormalization group analysis of the self-interacting axion cloud - Hidetoshi Omiya (Kyoto University)   ()
17:45 Universal $10^{20}$ Hz stochastic gravitational waves from photon spheres of black holes - Kaishu Saito (Kobe University)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Yang Zhou (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Geometry and physics on the boundary of the supergravity landscape - Ling Lin (CERN)   ()
16:40 de Sitter, supergravity and the Swampland - Gianguido Dall'Agata (Padua U)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Yu Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Status of physics studies at the CEPC - Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   ()
16:30 Status of the CEPC Project - Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))   ()
17:00 Towards a Muon Collider - Elias Metral (CERN)   ()
17:30 Muon Colliders Physics Potential Overview - Dario Buttazzo   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Xin Gao (Sichuan University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Searches for leptoquarks with the ATLAS detector - Alexander Mann (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (DE))   ()
16:20 Search for new resonances coupling to third generation quarks at CMS - Andrea Piccinelli (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))   ()
16:40 Missing Transverse Momentum Recontruction in ATLAS - Holly Pacey (University of Cambridge (GB))   ()
17:00 On the feasibility of Bell Inequality violation at ATLAS experiment with flavor entanglement of B meson pairs from proton-proton collisions - Yosuke Takubo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   ()
17:20 Hadronic Reconstruction Techniques at ATLAS - Mark Hodgkinson (University of Sheffield (GB))   ()
17:40 Higgs as a probe of beyond the Standard Model physics - Arindam Das (Hokkaido University)   ()
Split SUSY and High-Scale SUSY - Shabbar Raza (Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karach) Chun Liu (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Probing the Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories at the Future Proton-Proton Colliders and Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment - Dr Shabbar Raza (Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karach)   ()
16:20 Radiative Gravitino Production from Inflaton Decay - Kunio Kaneta (KIAS)   ()
16:40 How Heavy can Neutralino Dark Matter be? - Hajime Fukuda (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   ()
17:00 A Minimal Supersymmetric SU(5) Missing-Partner Model - Natsumi Nagata (University of Tokyo)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Jia Liu (Peking University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Vacuum (meta-)stability in the $\mu\nu$SSM - Thomas Biekoetter (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
16:20 Phenomenological Study of the Semi-constrained NMSSM - Dr Kun Wang (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)   ()
16:40 Proton Lifetime in Minimal SU(5) - Cem Salih Un (Bursa Uludag University)   ()
17:00 Searches for supersymmetry in hadronic final states with the CMS detector - Koushik Mandal (Eotvos Lorand University (HU))   ()
17:20 Searches for strong production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector - Kazuki Todome (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   ()
Plenary - Chun Liu (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 22:05) ()
20:00 Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology - Ignatios Antoniadis (LPTHE, Paris)   ()
20:25 Aspects of Higgs and EW physics in SUSY: light LSP and Heavy Higgs - Rohini Godbole (Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India)   ()
20:50 Particle-Antiparticle Oscillations and Baryogenesis in SUSY - Seyda Ipek   ()
21:15 Grand Unified Theories - Kaladi Babu (Oklahoma State U)   ()
21:40 SUSY Predictions from the String Landscape and the Naturalness - Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)   ()
22:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Wenyu Wang (Beijing University of Technology) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Re-analysis of 3.5 keV line - Yujin Park (University of California, Berkeley)   ()
22:55 Improving the sensitivity to light dark matter with the Migdal effect - Dr Giovanni Grilli di Cortona (University of Sao Paulo)   ()
23:15 Self-interacting dark matter, a dark force, and galaxy anomalies - Zhu-Yao Wang (Northeastern University)   ()
Early Universe Cosmology - Bhaskar Dutta (Texas A&M University) (until 23:55) ()
22:35 Superheavy Dark Matter from String Theory - Rouzbeh Allahverdi (University of New Mexico)   ()
22:55 Simplified smooth hybrid inflation in supersymmetric SU(5) - Umer Zubair (University of Delaware)   ()
23:15 Warming Up Cold Inflation - Saarik Kalia (Stanford University)   ()
23:35 Supersymmetric flat directions and formation of primordial black holes - Marcos Flores (UCLA)   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Lorenzo Calibbi (Nankai University) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Lattice QCD results on the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 - Luchang Jin (UCONN / RBRC)   ()
23:05 g-2, hadronic vacuum polarization, the electroweak fit and new physics - Andreas Crivellin (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Anzhong Wang (Baylor University) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Stochastic Gravitational Waves from String Cosmology - Prof. Robert Brandenberger (McGill University)   ()
23:15 Gravitational Wave Production right after a Primordial Black Hole Evaporation - Keisuke Inomata (University of Chicago)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Minxin Huang (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Higher Derivative 6D Supergravity and Quaternionic Kahler Spaces - Ergin Sezgin (Texas A & M University)   ()
23:15 Unimodular vs Nilpotent Superfield Approach to Pure dS Supergravity - Dr Silvia Nagy (University of Nottingham)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Yu Gao (Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 23:55) ()
22:35 An unambiguous test of positivity at lepton colliders - Jiayin Gu (JGU Mainz)   ()
23:05 Probing QFT bedrock principles and the inverse problem @ future lepton colliders - Benjamin Fuks (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Robin Erbacher (University of California Davis (US)) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Searches for new physics in events with leptons in the final state in CMS - Olena Karacheban (Rutgers State Univ. of New Jersey (US))   ()
22:55 Probing MeV-scale Scalar Bosons in association with TeV-scale Vectorlike Fermions in U(1)T3R at the LHC - Dale Adam Julson (Vanderbilt University (US))   ()
23:15 Searches for vector-like quarks with the ATLAS detector - Pekka Sinervo (University of Toronto (CA))   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Stefan Guindon (CERN) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector - Carlos Moreno Martinez (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (ES))   ()
22:55 Searches for third generation squarks with the CMS detector - Caleb James Smith (The University of Kansas (US))   ()
23:15 Prospects for Stau Searches and Measurements at the ILC - Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Mikael Berggren (DESY)   ()
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Pyungwon Ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS)) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Dark Matter and Radiative Neutrino Mass with dark SU(2) gauge symmetry - Takaaki Nomura (Sichuan University)   ()
13:50 Probing dark matter and primordial black holes with CMB and 21cm observations - Junsong Cang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
14:10 On-shell mediator dark matter models and the Xenon1T excess - Yilun Xue (nanjing university)   ()
14:30 Searching for Dark Matter in the Sun and in the Galactic Centre using Hyper-Kamiokande - Dr Sandra Robles (The University of Melbourne)   ()
14:50 Constraining Dark Matter interactions with nucleons and electrons using White Dwarfs - Dr Sandra Robles (The University of Melbourne)   ()
15:10 Lorentz Violation of Cosmic Photons from a Phenomenological Viewpoint - Bo-Qiang Ma (Peking University)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Kechen Wang (Wuhan University of Technology) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Supersymmetry at the Muon Collider - Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)   ()
14:00 Prospects for SUSY Searches @ CEPC - Da Xu (IHEP, CAS)   ()
14:30 SUSY global fits with future colliders using GAMBIT - yang zhang   ()
14:55 Searching for long-lived light neutralinos at future lepton colliders - Zeren Simon Wang (National Tsing Hua University)   ()
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory - Yang Zhang (USTC) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 A 3d disordered superconformal fixed point - Cheng Peng   ()
14:10 Cluster Algebras for Feynman Integrals - Georgios Papathanasiou (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
New Tools in New Physics Searches - Jinmian Li (Sichuan University) (until 15:30) ()
14:30 Extracting Invisible Higgs signals at the LHC with Convolutional Neural Networks - Mr Vishal Singh Ngairangbam (Physical Research Laboratory)   ()
14:50 Machine learning Higgs tagger - Jinmian Li (Sichuan University)   ()
15:10 FORESEE: FORward Experiment SEnsitivity Estimator for the LHC and future hadron colliders - Sebastian Trojanowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Vector-Like Leptons and Inert Scalar Triplet: Lepton Flavor Violation, g−2 and Collider Searches - Álvaro Jesus (International Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)   ()
13:50 Constraints on the B-anomalies-motivated U1 leptoquark parameters from the LHC data - Mr Arvind Bhaskar (International institute of information technology,Hyderabad)   ()
14:10 Anomalous magnetic moments from asymptotic safety - Tom Steudtner (TU Dortmund)   ()
14:30 Distinguishing signatures of scalar leptoquarks at the LHC and Muon colliders - Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad)   ()
14:50 A search for the low-lying SUSY spectrum at the LHC consistent with the recent muon g-2 result - Amin Abou Ibrahim (Institute for theoretical physics, Münster University)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Pyungwon Ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS)) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Phenomenological Implications of Non-Perturbative Effects for Colored Dark Sectors - Mathias Becker (Technical University of Munich)   ()
16:20 Dark Matter in non-standard cosmologies - Dimitrios Karamitros (NCBJ)   ()
16:40 Sensitivity of future e+e- colliders to processes of dark matter production with light mediator exchange - Jan Henryk Kalinowski (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
17:00 Dark matter and Leptogenesis in Type Ib seesaw model - Bowen Fu (University of Southampton)   ()
17:20 The CYGNO experiment for Dark Matter direct detection - Andrea Messina (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
17:40 Dark Matter searches in CMS - Reham Aly (Bari University - Italy)   ()
Early Universe Cosmology - Michele Cicoli (Università di Bologna) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 The primordial black holes and secondary gravitational waves from string inspired general no-scale supergravity - Lina Wu (Xi'an Technological University)   ()
16:20 Gravitino Cosmology and No-Scale Higgs Inflation - Waqas Ahmed (Hubei Polytechnic University)   ()
16:40 Supergravity Inflation in braneworld - Mudassar Sabir (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan)   ()
17:00 Hybrid Inflation in no-scale supergravity - Ahmad Moursy (Cairo University)   ()
17:20 Fate of electroweak symmetry in the early Universe: Non-restoration and trapped vacua in the N2HDM - Maria Olalla Olea Romacho (DESY)   ()
17:40 On anomalous production of slow gravitinos in minimal supergravity inflation and its resolution - Dr Takahiro Terada (Institute for Basic Science)   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Counterexamples to the Nelson-Seiberg theorem - Zheng Sun (Sichuan University)   ()
16:30 Higher-order constraints for N=1 and N=2 superfields and non-linear SUSY - Dr Yermek Aldabergenov (Chulalongkorn University)   ()
17:00 Supersymmetry and Computational Complexity - Dr Marcos Crichigno (Imperial College London)   ()
17:30 4d Chern-Simons Theory as a 3d Toda Theory, and a 3d-2d Correspondence - Meer Ashwinkumar (The University of Tokyo (Kavli IPMU))   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Sugumi Kanno (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Stochastic GWs from cosmological phase transitions - Thomas Markus Konstandin   ()
16:20 Gravitational waves from bubble collisions in first order phase transitions - Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw)   ()
16:40 Gravitational waves from first-order phase transitions: A hybrid simulation, and signal enhancement from density perturbations - Dr Ryusuke Jinno (DESY)   ()
17:00 Finding sound shells in LISA mock data using likelihood sampling - Jorinde van de Vis (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
17:20 Baryogenesis and gravity waves from a UV-completed electroweak phase transition - Kimmo Juhani Kainulainen (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))   ()
17:40 Gravitational Wave Echo of Relaxion Trapping - Dr Eric Madge (Weizmann Institute of Science)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Runqiu Yang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Kaluza-Klein spectrometry for supergravity - Henning Samtleben (ENS Lyon)   ()
16:40 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Higher-Derivative Supergravity in AdS_4 Holography - Nikolay Bobev (KU Leuven Association)   ()
17:20 Branes Wrapped on Spindles - Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial College London)   ()
Neutrino Physics and Leptons - Toshihiko Ota (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 A systematic approach to neutrino masses and their phenomenology - Michael Schmidt (UNSW Sydney)   ()
16:20 Radiative neutrino masses, lepton flavor mixing and muon g − 2 in a leptoquark model - di zhang   ()
16:40 Diagonal reflection symmetries and universal four-zero texture - Masaki Yang (Saitama University)   ()
17:00 Realistic neutrino mixing in a scotogenic model using S3 symmetry - Dr Soumita Pramanick (National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw, Poland)   ()
17:20 Explicit Perturbations to the Stabilizer \tau = {\rm i} of Modular A^\prime_5 Symmetry and Leptonic CP Violation - Xin Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)   ()
17:40 Inverse Seesaw Model with a Modular $S^{}_4$ Symmetry: Lepton Flavor Mixing and Warm Dark Matter - Dr Xinyi Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Xiaoping Wang (Beihang University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Two-Loop ${\cal O\left(\alpha_t+\alpha_\lambda+\alpha_\kappa\right)^2}$ Corrections to the Higgs Boson Masses in the CP-Violating NMSSM - Dr Thi Nhung Dao (ICISE)   ()
16:20 Loop-corrected Higgs Masses in the NMSSM with Inverse Seesaw Mechanism - Anh Vu Phan (ICISE)   ()
16:40 Full NLO corrections to charged Higgs boson decays in the NMSSM - Kodai Sakurai (Tohoku University)   ()
17:00 Maximally Symmetric Three Higgs Doublet Model - Neda Darvishi (University of Warsaw)   ()
17:20 Searches for charginos and neutralinos with the ATLAS detector - Sara Alderweireldt (The University of Edinburgh (GB))   ()
17:40 Precise Higgs mass predictions for multi-scale hierarchies with FeynHiggs - Henning Bahl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin, Madison) (until 22:00) ()
20:00 Neutrino as the Dark Force - Dr Nicholas Orlofsky (Carleton University)   ()
20:20 Status of DEAP-3600 - Dr Pushparaj Adhikari (Carleton University)   ()
20:40 Higgs-portal dark matter in brane world cosmology - Taoli Liu (The University of Alabama)   ()
21:00 Asteroid g-2 experiments: new fifth force and ultralight dark sector tests - Dr Yu-Dai Tsai (Fermilab)   ()
21:20 Multi-component multiscatter capture of Dark Matter - Caleb Levy (Colgate)   ()
21:40 Gravitational Microlensing by Dark Matter Subhalos and Boson Stars - Zihui Wang (NYU)   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Robert Ziegler (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 22:00) ()
20:00 Systematic approach to g-2, B-anomalies and Dark Matter - Giorgio Arcadi   ()
20:20 Sub-GeV dark matter model: $U(1)_{T3R}$ extension of SM - Sumit Ghosh (Texas A & M University)   ()
20:40 Renormalizable models of flavor-specific scalars - Mudit Rai (University of Pittsburgh)   ()
21:00 Implications of the Muon g-2 in flavour models - María Luisa López Ibáñez   ()
21:20 Complementarity of muon charged lepton flavour violating processes in the MRSSM - Uladzimir Khasianevich (TU Dresden)   ()
21:40 Implications of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment for 3-3-1 Models - Yoxara Sánchez Villamizar (IIP & DFTE - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN))   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo) (until 22:00) ()
21:00 G_2 instantons in twisted M-theory - Jihwan Oh (University of Oxford)   ()
21:30 Twisting perturbative supergravity via pure spinor superfields - Ingmar Saberi   ()
Grand Unified Theories - Nobuchika Okada (University of Alabama) (until 22:00) ()
20:00 Minimal SU(5) Unification - shaikh saad (University of Basel)   ()
20:20 $SU(5) \times U(1)_{PQ}$ Majoron-axion model - Digesh Raut (University of Delaware)   ()
20:40 An asymptotically safe SU(5) GUT - Dr Alberto Tonero (Carleton University)   ()
21:00 Light Pseudo-Goldstone Higgs from SUSY SO(10) GUT - Zurab Tavartkiladze (Ilia State University)   ()
21:20 Viable Full Unification of the Standard Model into $E_8$ - Francisco J. de Anda N.   ()
21:40 Nucleon decay fingerprints from SUSY GUT models (using SusyTCProton) - Dr Vasja Susič (University of Basel)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Jiaju Zhang (until 22:00) ()
20:00 Uses and Limitations of Supergravities with "New Fayet-Iliopoulos" and "Liberated" Terms - Massimo Porrati (NYU)   ()
20:40 (Supergravity) Anomalies as Obstructions - Ruben Minasian (Saclay, SPhT)   ()
21:20 The anomaly that was not meant IIB - Miguel Montero (Harvard U)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Gauthier Durieux (CERN) (until 22:00) ()
20:00 Higgs measurement at the Future Circular Colliders - Sylvie Braibant   ()
20:25 Higgs Precision at CEPC - Yaquan Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   ()
20:50 Deeply Learned Preselection of Dijet Higgs Decays at Future Lepton Colliders - Wenxing Zhang   ()
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory - Jacob Bourjaily (Penn State University) (until 22:00) ()
20:00 Nonperturbative Negative Geometries: From the Amplituhedron to AdS - Johannes Henn   ()
20:40 Fermi-gas correlators of ADHM theory and triality symmetry - Tadashi Okazaki   ()
21:00 New Developments for the Momentum Amplituhedron - David Damgaard (LMU Munich)   ()
21:20 Geometrizing Fermionic QFTs via Supermanifolds - Dr Sotirios Karamitsos (University of Pisa)   ()
21:40 Exact solution studies of local and non-local Yang-Mills theories - Dr Marco Frasca   ()
22:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Wenyu Wang (Beijing University of Technology) (until 23:30) ()
22:30 Roads for Right-handed Neutrino Dark Matter: Relentless, Standard Freeze-out, and Early Matter Domination - Jacinto Paulo Neto (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)   ()
22:50 White Dwarfs as Axion Probes - Christopher Dessert (University of Michigan)   ()
23:10 Asymmetric Dark Matter and Baryons from Dark Phase Transitions - Robert McGehee (University of Michigan)   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo) (until 23:30) ()
22:30 Maximally twisted eleven-dimensional supergravity - Richard Eager   ()
23:00 Maximally twisted eleven-dimensional supergravity - Fabian Hahner (Universität Heidelberg)   ()
Grand Unified Theories - Ilia Gogoladze (University of Delaware) (until 23:30) ()
22:30 Pseudo-Goldstone Dark Matter in SO(10) - Digesh Raut (University of Delaware)   ()
22:50 Supersymmetric grand unified theories with Higgsino-like neutralino dark matter and its implication to the proton decay search at the Hyper-Kamiokande - Nobuchika Okada (University of Alabama)   ()
23:10 The Standard Model and Dark Matter in Structures of Generalised Proper Time - Dr David Jackson   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 23:30) ()
22:30 What are gravitational waves telling us about fundamental physics? - Prof. Nicolas Yunes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)   ()
23:10 Gravitational waves produced by astrophysical sources and propagation through cosmic distances in inhomogeneous universe - Dr Jared Fier (Baylor University)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Yi Pang (until 23:50) ()
22:30 Double Field Theory and Pseudo-Supersymmetry - Christopher Pope (High Energy Phys.Group Blackett-Lab Imp.Coll.)   ()
23:10 Beyond of the Poincaré Chern-Simons hypergravity, in (2+1) dimensions. - Dr Ricardo Caroca (Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) (until 23:30) ()
22:30 A collinear factorisation approach at e+e- colliders - Stefano Frixione (INFN)   ()
23:05 The partonic picture at high-energy lepton colliders - Yang Ma (University of Pittsburgh)   ()
Neutrino Physics and Leptons - Claudia Hagedorn (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)) (until 23:50) ()
22:30 The Radiative SUSY Seesaw Mechanism - Pablo Candia da Silva (The University of Manchester)   ()
22:50 Leptogenesis from $SU(5)$ GUT with $\mathcal{T}_{13}$ Family Symmetry - Moinul Rahat (University of Florida)   ()
23:10 Light particles with baryon and lepton numbers - Julian Heeck   ()
23:30 Search for K+ decays to a lepton and invisible particles - Artur Shaikhiev (University of Birmingham)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex (GB)) (until 23:30) ()
22:30 Electroweak SUSY in leptonic final states with the CMS detector - Kaitlin Salyer (Boston University (US))   ()
22:50 Search for charginos and neutralinos in final states with two boosted hadronically decaying bosons and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS experiment - Yuta Okazaki (Kyoto University (JP)) Yuta OKAZAKI (Kyoto U)   ()
23:10 Searches for supersymmetry in tau final states with the CMS detector - Saikat Karmakar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-B, India)   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Wenbin Yan (Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 4d superconformal theories with a=c - Jaewon Song (KAIST)   ()
14:00 Confinement in Non-Lagrangian 4d N=1 Theories - Lakshya Bhardwaj   ()
14:30 Instanton counting in BCD-type gauge theories - Prof. Ruidong Zhu (Soochow University)   ()
15:00 On Twisted Elliptic Genera - Kaiwen Sun   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Ning Chen (Nankai University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Enhanced Long-Lived Dark Photon Signals at the LHC - Mingxuan Du (Nanjing University)   ()
13:50 Searches for BSM physics using challenging and long-lived signatures with the ATLAS detector - Stefano Giagu (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
14:10 Long-lived particles searches at LHCb - Federico Leo Redi (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   ()
14:30 Search for a light Z′ at LHC in a neutrinophilic U(1) model - anjan barik   ()
14:50 Charming ALPs - Christiane Scherb (JGU Mainz)   ()
15:10 Looking for beyond the Standard Model interactions of neutrinos and light dark matter with secondary production - Krzysztof Jodlowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Ji-Bo He (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Mixing and CP violation at LHCb - Adam Davis (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
16:20 Measurement of the very rare K+ to pi+ nu nubar decay - Zuzana Kucerova (Comenius University (SK))   ()
16:40 Search for π0 decays to invisible particles at the NA62 experiment - Alina Kleimenova   ()
17:00 Physics Reach of Rare Charm Baryon Decays - Marcel Golz (TU Dortmund)   ()
17:20 Search for lepton number and flavour violation in K+ and pi0 decays - Lubos Bician (CERN)   ()
17:40 New measurement of radiative decays at the NA62 Experiment at CERN - Dmitri Madigozhin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Dan Xie (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Compactifying 5d superconformal field theories to 3d - Gabi Zafrir (University of Milano-Bicocca)   ()
16:30 5d SCFTs from singularities - Prof. Yinan Wang (Peking University)   ()
17:00 Tetrahedron instantons - Xinyu Zhang (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
17:30 Superconformal theories from S-fold geometries - Simone Giacomelli (University of Oxford)   ()
Grand Unified Theories - Fei Wang (ZhengZhou University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Some phenomenological aspects of 6D SUSY SO(10) with magnetic flux - Ketan Patel (Physical Research Laboratory)   ()
16:20 A high-quality axion from the non-minimal SU(6) GUT - Dr NING CHEN (Nankai University)   ()
16:40 Perturbativity aspects of the minimal SO(10) Higgs model - Dr Michal Malinský (IPNP, Charles University, Prague)   ()
17:00 Towards the minimal non-supersymmetric E6 GUT - Borut Bajc (Jožef Stefan Institute)   ()
17:20 Neutron-antineutron oscillation as a probe of baryogenesis - Kare Fridell (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Constrain extra dimensions with shortcuts - Zi-Chao Lin (Lanzhou University)   ()
16:20 Gravitational Imprints from Heavy Kaluza-Klein Resonances - Mariano Quiros Carcelen (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))   ()
16:40 Imprints of black hole area quantization in gravitational waves. - Adrian del Rio Vega (Penn State)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Pujian Mao (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Odd-dimensional analogue of the Euler characteristic - Leron Borsten   ()
16:40 Three notions of brane gravity localisation - Kellogg Sheffield Stelle (Imperial College (GB))   ()
17:20 Non-relativistic Gravity and Supergravity - E.A. Bergshoeff (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Kechen Wang (Wuhan University of Technology) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Feebly-interacting particles at the muon collider - Federico Meloni (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
16:30 Probing Dark Matter with ILC - Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw)   ()
17:00 Probing a bino NLSP at lepton colliders - Dr mengchao zhang (IBS-CTPU)   ()
17:25 Sensitivity to invisible scalar decays at CLIC - Mr Krzysztof Mekala (University of Warsaw)   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Investigating New Physics Models with Signature of Same-Sign Diboson$+{E\!\!/}_{T}$ - Dibyashree Sengupta (University of Oklahoma)   ()
16:20 Minimal and non-minimal Universal Extra Dimension models in the light of LHC data at 13 TeV - Mr Avnish . (Institute of Physics)   ()
16:40 Segregating BSM models at Present and Future Colliders based on Spin and Isospin Representations - Dr Saunak Dutta (Delhi University)   ()
17:00 Revisiting Type-II see-saw: Present Limits and Future Prospects at LHC - Saiyad Ashanujjaman (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)   ()
17:20 Chasing the Higgs shape at HL-LHC - Tirtha Sankar Ray (IIT Kharagpur, India)   ()
17:40 Jet flavour tagging for the ATLAS Experiment - Jonathan Shlomi (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Hao Zhang (Theoretical Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Probing heavy scalar in supersymmetric final states - Dr Amit Adhikary (Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India)   ()
16:20 Probing Theories with Reduced Couplings at Future Colliders - Grigorios Patellis   ()
16:40 Searching for Compressed Top Partners in the CMS Open Data - Haipeng An (Tsinghua University)   ()
17:00 Long lived NMSSM :Analysing some long lived NSLP signatures in the NMSSM - Amandip De (Indian Institute of Science)   ()
17:20 Search for long-lived charginos based on a disappearing-track signature with the ATLAS experiment - Paul Gessinger (CERN)   ()
17:40 ATLAS searches for supersymmetry with long-lived particles - Emily Anne THOMPSON (DESY)   ()
Plenary - Qing Wang (Tsinghua University) (until 22:05) ()
20:00 Higgs measurements at ATLAS and CMS - Antonio De Maria (Nanjing University (CN))   ()
20:25 BSM Higgs searches at ATLAS and CMS - Aruna Nayak (National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))   ()
20:50 Other searches at ATLAS and CMS - Rachid Mazini (Academia Sinica (TW))   ()
21:15 SUSY squark/gluino searches at ATLAS and CMS - Luigi Longo (CERN)   ()
21:40 SUSY chargino/neutralino searches at ATLAS and CMS - Teruki Kamon (Texas A & M University (US))   ()
22:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Anzhong Wang (Baylor University) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 On the origin of the LIGO "mystery" noise and the high energy particle physics desert - Niayesh Afshordi   ()
23:15 Tentative evidence for echoes from GW190521 - Jahed Abedi (University of Stavanger)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Xing Huang (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Gravitino production during inflation - Lorenzo Sorbo (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Gauthier Durieux (CERN) (until 23:50) ()
22:35 Electroweak Precision Physics at the FCC-ee - Jan Eysermans (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   ()
23:00 Longitudinally polarized ZZ scattering at the Muon Collider - Mr Tianyi Yang (Peking University (CN))   ()
23:25 Precision Test of the Muon-Higgs Coupling at a High-energy Muon Collider - Keping Xie (University of Pittsburgh)   ()
Neutrino Physics and Leptons - Claudia Hagedorn (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Can CE$\nu$NS experiments probe Dirac vs Majorana nature of neutrinos? - Chandan Hati (Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Straße 1, D-85748 )   ()
22:55 Recent Astroparticle and Beyond the Standard Model Results from MicroBooNE - David Marsden (University of Manchester)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex (GB)) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Searches for sleptons with the ATLAS detector - Lorenzo Rossini (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
22:55 Search for supersymmetry in compressed scenario's with the CMS detector - Denis Rathjens (Texas A & M University (US))   ()
23:15 Prospects for Chargino Searches and Measurements at the ILC - Maria Teresa Nunez Pardo de Vera (DESY)   ()
Theories of New Strong Dynamics - Giacomo Cacciapaglia (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Naural composite Higgs model - Teng Ma   ()
22:55 Partial Compositness from Partial Unification - Vatani Shahram (IP2I Lyon)   ()
23:15 A road to a beyond the Standard Model model - Giancarlo Rossi   ()
Axion Physics and Experiments - Nick Houston (Beijing University of Technology) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Axion Quality from Superconformal Dynamics - Prof. Yuichiro Nakai (T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai)   ()
13:50 Probe Dark Matter Axions with Broadband and Narrowband methods - Qiaoli Yang (Jinan University)   ()
14:10 The echo method for axion dark matter detection - Ariel Arza (ITMP, Lomonosov Moscow State University)   ()
14:30 Detecting an Axion-like particle with machine learning and jet substructure variables at the LHC - Daohan Wang (Institute of theoretical physics, CAS)   ()
14:50 Axion haloscope array With PT symmetry beyond the quantum limit - Yifan Chen (LPTHE, Paris)   ()
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Haipeng An (Tsinghua University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Radio-frequency Dark Photon Dark Matter across the Sun - Jia Liu (Peking University)   ()
13:50 Low-mass primordial black holes as the dark matter candidate - Ranjan Laha (Indian Institute of science (IN))   ()
14:10 A dark clue to seesaw and leptogenesis in a pseudo-Dirac singlet doublet scenario with (non)standard cosmology - SUDIPTA SHOW (Physical Research Laboratory)   ()
14:30 Freezing In with Lepton Flavored Fermions - Shiuli Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Science)   ()
14:50 Search for Dark Sector at Belle - Giacomo De Pietro (INFN and Univ. Roma Tre)   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Yang Zhang (Zhengzhou University) Junjie Cao (Henan Normal University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Charged Higgs from different representations at the LHC - Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad)   ()
13:50 Vacuum stability and asymptotic behaviour in Extended Higgs and Leptoquarks - Ms SHILPA JANGID (IIT HYDERABAD)   ()
14:10 Impact of quark flavor violating SUSY on h(125) decays - Prof. Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei University)   ()
14:30 Probing the B+L violation process with the observation of cosmic magnetic field - Ligong Bian (Chongqing University)   ()
14:50 The Road Not Taken: more dimension-4's before EFT - Prof. George W.S. Hou (National Taiwan University)   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Wenbin Yan (Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Non-unitary TQFTs from 3D $\mathcal{N}=4$ rank 0 SCFTs - Mr Myungbo Shim (Kyung Hee University)   ()
14:00 S-type Operations, Line Defects and 3D Mirror Symmetry beyond ADE quivers - Anindya Dey (Johns Hopkins)   ()
14:30 Schur index in closed-form and free fields - Yiwen Pan   ()
15:00 Feigin-Semikhatov duality and its applications - Shigenori Nakatsuka (The University of Tokyo)   ()
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory - Yu-tin Huang (National Taiwan University) (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Constructing on-shell operator basis for all masses and spins - Zi-Yu Dong (ITP-CAS, Beijing)   ()
14:40 Multiparticle fields method for the description of the bound states scattering - Mr Fedir Musonov (Odessa Polytechnic State University)   ()
New Tools in New Physics Searches - Nishita Desai (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) (until 15:30) ()
14:10 (S)ARGES -- Advanced Renormalisation Group Equation Simplifier - Tom Steudtner (TU Dortmund)   ()
14:30 MARTY, an independent software program for general symbolic calculations in Beyond the Standard Model physics - Mr Grégoire Uhlrich   ()
14:50 FlexibleDecay: An automated calculator of scalar decay widths - Wojciech Kotlarski (TU - Dresden)   ()
15:10 Probing long-lived particles with SModelS v2 - Gael Alguero (LPSC, Grenoble)   ()
Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders - Shufang Su (University of Arizona) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Searches for new physics in events with jets in the final state in CMS - Eirini Tziaferi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))   ()
13:50 Highly Boosted Higgs Bosons and Unitarity in Vector-Boson Fusion at Future Hadron Colliders - Zhijie Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
14:10 Searches and techniques for boosted resonances (non-diboson) with the ATLAS detector - Miguel Villaplana (IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ()
14:30 Searches for vector-like quarks at CMS - Francesco Carnevali (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT))   ()
14:50 Searches for new physics with leptons using the ATLAS detector - Christos Vergis (University of Bonn (DE))   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Haipeng An (Tsinghua University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Light singlino DM of the natural NMSSM - Dr Waleed Abdallah (Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt)   ()
16:20 Gravitational SIMPs - Basabendu Barman   ()
16:40 A search for dark matter using sub- PeV gamma-rays observed by Tibet ASγ - Tarak Nath Maity (Indian Institute of Science)   ()
17:00 Flavor anomalies, Dark matter with vector-like fermions and scalar leptoquark - Shivaramakrishna Singirala (School of physics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500046)   ()
17:20 Dark Sector searches in CMS - Sushil Chauhan (Panjab Univ., India)   ()
17:40 Dark matter flux from Accreting Black Holes and Direct Detections - Sichun Sun   ()
Early Universe Cosmology - Yeuk Kwan Edna Cheung (Nanjing University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Massless Preheating and Electroweak Vacuum Metastability - Jeff Kost (University of Sussex)   ()
16:20 Mapping the viable parameter space for testable leptogenesis - Yannis Georis (Catholic University of Louvain)   ()
16:40 Constraining inflaton coupling from CMB in different inflation models - Lei Ming (Department of Physics, Nanjing University)   ()
17:00 Gravitational Leptogenesis in Bounce Cosmology - Neil Barrie   ()
17:20 Affleck-Dine Leptogenesis from Higgs Inflation - Chengcheng Han (SYSU)   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Alexander Josef Grohsjean (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Yaquan Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Higgs boson measurements in couplings to quarks and leptons with the ATLAS experiment - Guy Koren (Tel Aviv University (IL))   ()
16:20 Combined Higgs boson measurements and their interpretations in Effective Field Theories and new physics models with the ATLAS experiment - Lei Zhang (Nanjing University (CN))   ()
16:40 BSM Higgs searches at CMS - Paul Asmuss (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
17:00 Searches for additional Higgs bosons in ATLAS - Adam Bailey (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ()
17:20 Searches for resonances decaying to boson pairs in ATLAS - William Balunas (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
17:40 Exotic Higgs Decays at CMS - Fengwangdong Zhang (University of California Davis (US))   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Lorenzo Calibbi (Nankai University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Semileptonic $B$ decays and related study at Belle - Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University )   ()
16:20 New Physics Implications of LHCb Data on b to s transitions - Nazila Mahmoudi (Lyon University)   ()
16:40 Potential Signatures and Combined Constraints for First Generation Leptoquarks - Luc Schnell (ETH Zurich, École Polytechnique de Paris, LPTHE Sorbonne Université)   ()
17:00 QCD corrections to Bs mixing in leptoquark models - Jordi Folch Eguren (University of Barcelona/TU Dortmund)   ()
17:20 A Supersymmetric Solution to the $R_{K^{(*)}}$ Anomalies - Mustafa Tabet   ()
17:40 Planck-safe U(1)' Extensions Explaining RK(*) - Tim Höhne (TU Dortmund)   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Dan Xie (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Counting BPS states with exponential networks - Pietro Longhi (ETH Zurich)   ()
16:30 Shifted Quiver Yangians and Representations from BPS Crystals - Dmitrii Galakhov (Kavli IPMU)   ()
Lepton Colliders - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and Humboldt University (Berlin)) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Flavor Physics at FCC-ee - Clement Helsens (CERN)   ()
16:35 Testing CP-violation in the scalar sector at lepton colliders - Dr Ying-nan Mao (Wuhan University of Technology)   ()
17:00 Quark Pair Production at Lepton Colldiers: Experimental challenges - Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV)   ()
17:25 Fermion pair production at $e^-e^+$ linear collider experiments in GUT inspired gauge-Higgs unification - Naoki Yamatsu (Kyushu University)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 A relatively light, highly bino-like dark matter in the $Z_3$-symmetric NMSSM and recent LHC searches - Mr Subhojit Roy (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, INDIA)   ()
16:20 Probing mild-tempered neutralino dark matter through top-squark production at the LHC - Arnab Roy   ()
16:40 Signals from Light Sneutrino Dark Matter at future e +e − Colliders - YI LIU (university of Southampton)   ()
17:00 Anapole Moment of Majorana Fermions and Implications for Direct Detection of Neutralino Dark Matter - Merlin Reichard (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   ()
17:20 Multi-scalar signature of self-interacting dark matter in the NMSSM and beyond - Cong Zhang (Sichuan University)   ()
Theories of New Strong Dynamics - Giacomo Cacciapaglia (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Constraining a top-philic dark matter model featuring contact terms - Ms Lara Mason (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1)   ()
16:20 Vector boson scattering in composite Higgs models - Diogo Buarque Franzosi (Chalmers University of Technology)   ()
16:40 Terazooming in on light (composite) axion like particles - Abhishek Iyer (IIT Delhi)   ()
17:00 Chiral models of composite axions and accidental Peccei-Quinn symmetry - Alessandro Podo (Columbia University)   ()
17:20 Composite Dynamics in the Early Universe - Luigi Delle Rose (University of Florence)   ()
17:40 Phase transition and gravitational wave in strongly-coupled dark gauge sectors - Chen Zhang (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
Plenary - Jinmian Li (Sichuan University) (until 22:05) ()
20:00 Dark Matter (Mediators) at Colliders - Manuel Drees (Bonn U)   ()
20:25 Recent Progress and Plan of PandaX Experiment - Ning Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))   ()
20:50 Dark matter/Long-lived particles at ATLAS and CMS - Zeynep Demiragli (Boston University (US))   ()
21:15 Sub-GeV Dark Matter - Bhaskar Dutta (Texas A&M University)   ()
21:40 Gravitational Waves as Probes of New Fundamental Physics - Pedro Schwaller   ()
22:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics - Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin, Madison) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 A dark matter WIMP that can be detected and definitively identified with currently planned experiments - Roland Allen (Texas A&M University)   ()
22:55 Searches for dark matter with the ATLAS detector - Jay Chan (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester (GB)) Alexander Josef Grohsjean (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Performance and calibration for the identification of boosted Higgs bosons decaying into beauty quark pairs in ATLAS - Changqiao Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))   ()
22:55 Vector boson scattering in CMS - Miao Hu (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   ()
23:15 Search for a Higgs portal scalar decaying in MicroBooNE - Pawel Guzowski (University of Manchester)   ()
Formal SUSY Theories - Dan Xie (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Line defects and link invariants - Fei Yan   ()
23:05 From SU(N) Seiberg-Witten Theory to Adjoint QCD - EMILY NARDONI (University of California, Los Angeles)   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Gravitational wave propagation beyond general relativity: waveform distortions and decoherence - Mr Meng-Xiang Lin (University of Chicago)   ()
22:50 Gravitational Wave Gastronomy - David Dunsky (UC Berkeley)   ()
23:05 Probing the existence of ultralight bosons with black hole superradiance - Mr Nils Siemonsen (Perimeter Institute)   ()
23:20 Collider and GW complementarity in the 2HDM - AJAY Kaladharan (Oklahoma State University)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Xing Huang (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Local SUSY, an unconventional approach - Jorge Zanelli (CECS, Valdivia)   ()
Split SUSY and High-Scale SUSY - James Unwin (UIC) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Testing Affleck Dine with Poltergeist Gravitational Waves - Dr Graham White (IPMU)   ()
22:55 $N=1$ trinification from dimensional reduction of $N=1$, $10D E_8$ over $SU(3)/U(1)\times U(1)\times Z_3$ and its phenomenological consequences - George Manolakos (NTUA)   ()
23:15 Electroweak Phase Transitions with BSM Fermions - Martin Gabelmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Stefan Guindon (CERN) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Searches for R-parity violating SUSY with the CMS detector - Christopher Madrid (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
22:55 Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry in a final state containing leptons and many jets with the ATLAS experiment - Martin Errenst (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   ()
23:15 Exploring the frontier of R-parity-violating supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector - Lorenzo Feligioni (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))   ()
Theories of New Strong Dynamics - Oleksii Matsedonskyi (Weizmann Institute) (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Electroweak baryogenesis and gravitational waves in a composite Higgs model with high dimensional fermion representations - Ke-Pan Xie (Seoul National University)   ()
22:55 Gravitational waves and baryogenesis from a non-minimal composite Higgs model - Andrea Guiggiani (Università degli studi di Firenze)   ()
23:15 Cosmological Implications of Supercooled Confinement - Dr Yann Gouttenoire (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
Axion Physics and Experiments - Qiaoli Yang (Jinan University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Cosmic Birefringence Triggered by Dark Matter Domination - Prof. Masaki Yamada (Tohoku University)   ()
13:50 Heavy QCD axion inflation and strong CP problem - Wen Yin   ()
14:10 Non-thermally trapped inflation due to the tachyonic instability - Shota Nakagawa (Tohoku University)   ()
14:30 Searching for solar axions with SNO - Nick Houston (BJUT)   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Rohini Godbole (Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS)) Qiang Li (Peking University (CN)) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Higgs boson measurements at CMS - Soumya Mukherjee (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))   ()
13:50 $Z$ polarization as a probe of anomalous gauge-Higgs coupling - Priyanka Sarmah (phd student)   ()
14:10 Probing anomalous HVV couplings using Higgs production in electron-proton collisions - PRAMOD SHARMA (IISER Mohali)   ()
14:30 Measuring Higgs Boson Self-couplings with 2→3 VBS Processes - Junmou Chen (Jinan University)   ()
14:50 Boosted semi leptonic top tagging with tau - Amandip De (Indian Institute of Science)   ()
15:10 Applying A4 to three-Higgs doublet model implies alignment - Dr Soumita Pramanick (National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw, Poland)   ()
New Developments in String Theory - Bin Chen (Peking University) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 4D effective action from non-Abelian DBI action with magnetic flux background - Yoshihiko Abe   ()
13:50 Three Point Functions in ABJM Theory-Weak Coupling Computation - Peihe Yang (Tianjin University)   ()
14:10 Holographic Heavy-Heavy-Light Three-point functions Revisited - Jun-Bao Wu (Tianjin University)   ()
14:30 When Nekrasov partition function meets 5-brane web with O5-plane in the thermodynamic limit - Xiaobin Li (Southwest Jiaotong University) Futoshi Yagi (Southwest Jiaotong University )   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Axion Physics and Experiments - Qiaoli Yang (Jinan University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Thermal axion production across the QCD phase transition - Fazlollah Hajkarim (Padua University)   ()
16:20 Thermal QCD axions across thresholds - Seokhoon Yun (Padua University)   ()
16:40 Photophilic hadronic axion from heavy magnetic monopoles - Anton Sokolov   ()
17:00 Hunting Axions Using Astrophysical Observation and Quantum Metrology - Mr Yifan Chen (LPTHE, Paris)   ()
17:20 Axion Telescopes: detecting stellar axions. - Maurizio Giannotti (Barry University)   ()
Early Universe Cosmology - Anupam Mazumdar (Groningen University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Cosmological parameter shifts and AdS-EDE - Gen Ye (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
16:20 Maximally misaligned axions - Mario Reig (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC))   ()
16:40 Analysis of Dark Radiation Abundance in Axion-Gauge Fields Models - Mitsuru Kakizaki (University of Toyama)   ()
17:00 From Neutrino Masses to the Full Size of the Universe - Some Intriguing Aspects of the Tetron Model - Bodo Lampe   ()
17:20 Warm Inflation and TCC - Vahid Kamali   ()
17:40 Primordial Black Holes in the Excursion Set Theory - Encieh Erfani (IASBS, Zanjan, Iran)   ()
Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics - Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester (GB)) Yaquan Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Electroweak physics and Z/W boson measurements at LHCb - Miguel Ramos Pernas (University of Warwick (GB))   ()
16:20 SM precision measurements in top production at LHC - Lorenzo Massa (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   ()
16:40 Correlating the anomalous moment of the muon and the W mass in the MSSM - Emanuele Angelo Bagnaschi (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   ()
17:00 Techniques for the SUSY-QCD corrections to pseudoscalar Higgs production via gluon fusion - Thanh Tien Dat Nguyen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   ()
17:20 NLO SUSY-QCD Corrections to Pseudoscalar Production via Gluon Fusion - Lukas Fritz (Paul Scherrer Institut)   ()
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Ying Li (Yantai University, China) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Flavour Anomalies at LHCb - Miriam Lucio Martinez (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   ()
16:20 Explaining the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly - Claudio Andrea Manzari (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   ()
16:40 Angular Distribution of polarised $\Lambda_b$ decay with NP operators - RIA SAIN (INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES)   ()
17:00 ATLAS measurements of CP violation and rare decays processes with beauty mesons - Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University (GB))   ()
17:20 $B \to K \nu \bar \nu$ measurements and beyond the Standard Model theories - Rusa Mandal (Siegen University)   ()
17:40 A closer look at the extraction of $|V_{ub}|$ from $b \to \pi l \nu$ - Ms Ipsita Ray (IIT Guwahati)   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Stabilities of black hole solutions in vector-tensor theories - Prof. Shinji Tsujikawa (Waseda)   ()
16:40 Stochastic gravitational wave background in quantum gravity - Sachiko Kuroyanagi   ()
17:00 Probing spacetime geometry with gravitational waves - Gianluca Calcagni   ()
17:20 Local constraints on the dark sector by future missions to Uranus and Neptune - Deniz Soyuer (University of Zurich)   ()
Gravity and Supergravity - Jie Yang (until 18:00) ()
16:00 S-fold solutions from D=4 supergravity vacua - Mario Trigiante (Politecnico di Torino)   ()
16:40 Duality and Higher Derivatives - Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U Berlin)   ()
New Developments in String Theory - Bin Chen (Peking University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Aligned Natural Inflation in Large Volume Scenario - Kang Sin Choi (Ewha Womans University)   ()
16:20 Sharpening the Boundaries Between Flux Landscape and Swampland by Tadpole Charge - Mr Keiya Ishiguro (Tsukuba, Graduate U. Adv. Studies (SOKENDAI))   ()
16:40 The control issues of KKLT de Sitter construction in string theory - Xin Gao (Sichuan University)   ()
17:00 Generalized Supersymmetric Pati-Salam Models from Intersecting D6-branes - Rui Sun (KIAS)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Andrew Fowlie (Nanjing Normal University) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 The new ``MUON G-2'' Result and Supersymmetry - Manimala Chakraborti Ipsita Saha (Kavli IPMU) Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))   ()
16:20 Supersymmetric Alignment Models for muon g-2 - Motoo Suzuki (ICRR)   ()
16:40 Muon g-2 and implications for physics beyond the SM - Dominik Stoeckinger (TU Dresden)   ()
17:00 Gluino-SUGRA Type Scenarios In Light of FNAL Muon g-2 Anomaly - Prof. Fei Wang (ZhengZhou University)   ()
Plenary - Jiang-Hao Yu (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) (until 22:05) ()
20:00 Recent progress on jet structure for BSM - Mihoko Nojiri (Theory Center, IPNS, KEK)   ()
20:25 Machine Learning and QCD - Tilman Plehn   ()
20:50 B-physics anomalies and flavor hierarchies: a natural link - Gino Isidori (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   ()
21:15 Flavour physics: LHCb, ATLAS, CMS - Yuehong Xie (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))   ()
21:40 Belle and Belle II results - BIPUL BHUYAN (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)   ()
22:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Flavor Physics and CP Violation - Robert Ziegler (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 23:55) ()
22:35 Anomaly-free leptophilic axionlike particle and its flavor violating tests - Oscar Manuel Vives Garcia (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ()
22:55 Minimal Froggatt-Nielsen Textures - Alessio Mastroddi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
23:15 Exploring the flavour structure of the high-scale MSSM - Dr Sokratis Trifinopoulos (SISSA)   ()
23:35 Super-Soft CP Violation - Alessandro Valenti (University of Padua)   ()
Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics - Anzhong Wang (Baylor University) (until 23:55) ()
22:35 Probing String-inspired Quadratic Gravity with Gravitational Waves - Kent Yagi (University of Virginia)   ()
23:15 Bridging the microhertz gap with asteroids: opportunities and challenges for gravitational wave detection - Dr Michael A. Fedderke (The Johns Hopkins University)   ()
23:35 Observation of a multimode quasi-normal spectrum from a perturbed black hole - Alex Nielsen (University of Stavanger)   ()
New Developments in String Theory - Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin-Madison) (until 23:55) ()
22:35 Moduli-dependent Calabi-Yau and SU(3)-structure metrics from Machine Learning - Mathis Gerdes   ()
22:55 The Standard Model Quiver in de Sitter String Compactifications - Andreas Schachner (Cambridge University)   ()
23:15 A New Spin on the Weak Gravity Conjecture - Gregory Loges   ()
23:35 Moduli Stabilisation and the Statistics of SUSY Breaking in the Landscape - Kuver Sinha (University of Oklahoma)   ()
Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results - Bhujyo Bhattacharya (until 23:35) ()
22:35 Phenomenological predictions in supersymmetric scenarios with non-minimal flavour violation - Mr Grégoire Uhlrich   ()
22:55 muon g-2 and the B-physics anomalies in RPV supersymmetry and the discovery prospect at LHC - Fang Xu   ()
23:15 Four-top quark signatures through the lens of color-octet scalars - Taylor Murphy (Ohio State University)   ()